When will Hanzo ever get adjusted?

So can Reaper and Roadhog…

Because it’s a projectile. Projectiles don’t have damage drop off, to make up for the travel time.

I mean, Widowmaker can one shot next to you or across the map too, but I don’t see people complaining about her. It’s even easier to get cross-map kills with Widowmaker, since it’s hitscan. If you stopped walking in straight lines, maybe Hanzo wouldn’t oneshot you from across the map as much.

I don’t get what you mean. The consequence for hopping around is that you make yourself extremely easy to hit. This goes for every character in the game. Jumping makes you an easy and predictable target.

Can Reaper do it from 100 yards though? 50? 20? 10? 5? Nope.

Good luck getting one-shots with Reaper… headshotting an oblivious Mercy? nope!.. full center mass body shot on 150HP Baby Dva? nope!


Both Reaper and Roadhog have abilities that help them close the distance.

Besides, 100 yard shots aren’t that easy to land in the first place.

That’s a problem created by the not-so-recent change to the bullet spread. Prior to that, Reaper could do it just fine.

He would never be able to kill anything with how strong healers are in this game. Ana heals 80HP/S You’d take forever to kill someone with 60Hp bodyshots lol. The way to balance him would be giving him 130-140 damage per arrow but removing his ability to headshot but it’s not fair cause he is no dominant DPS at all it’s just that people like to complain about everything.

He was a troll pick because he couldn’t do much other that use his primary fire, just like widow. The reason he was bad was because, compared to widow, his shots were slower and less accurate; so you’re partially correct.

However, it’s different now since he now has 2 important additions to his kit: storm arrow and lunge. Lunge is extremely powerful and make him unusually mobile (adding wall climb) for a sniper. In addition, storm arrow now makes him have more than simple spamming arrows for one-shots and flicks. Both combined make him a very difficult target to dive, which was a main reason he was bad before.

I’m saying we should consider lowering the arrow speed but maybe not the arc or the arrow, that way aiming close to a head will still grant a headshot; it is difficult already to hit a headshot with a projectile, and even more difficult when it has an arc.

His being dangerous at long range makes sense. The problem is storm arrow, just like the prior incarnation, lets him 1-shot heroes up close by just clicking the button and waving the mouse around, it will head shot anything in front of him. This takes away his weakness. So he’s very effective long range, very effective mid-range, and very effective short range.

Except that once they close the distance, it’s only a 50/50, b/c his storm arrow spam-headshots will kill either of them very quickly.

He doesn’t one shot anything with Storm Arrow. Jesus.

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Technically…you’re right. It’s only 140 for a headshot. So he also has to “hit” 1 body shot to kill anything but a tank.