Next Halloween?
(Honestly I thought it was coming with the new map.)
Next Halloween?
(Honestly I thought it was coming with the new map.)
You’ll get it when you sacrifice everything
Probably when Diablo releases. Or maybe next Blizzcon. They did not tell us.
Already did that for Sym.
Yeah I am kind of wondering too… bet its going to be closer to Summer…
It would have made sense if it came out a year after Blizz World release… because it’s a Blizz world skin.
I have the skin…
I have something rare.
I highly doubt they will just casually put a 40 bucks item in lootboxes.
Probably Anniversary, because they give you the chance to buy everything.
Bet you it will cost 8000 points then
They never announced as to WHEN just that it would become available 2019.
My bet is Anniversary since that’s where we got things like CruiserDVa and MagicianSymm.
I think they might have just lied to avoid a bad buff. Tons of people were really angry when it was announced.
I imagine they’re holding it back as part of another BlizzardWorld style update since it was such a popular mini-event and it definitely matches the Blizzardworld theme.
I’m still holding out hope that this year we’ll get to visit BlizzardWorld’s sister park, BlizzardLand.
Otherwise the only thing we know for sure is that it will be some time in 2019.
Do we know that really?.. (I don’t remember them saying it would be 2019)
They said early 2019
…Um we are past early 2019…
We are entering mid 2019.
(I judging that by Anime seasons… and that just ended this week.)
NOTICE: Demon Hunter Sombra will be available outside of Virtual Ticket at a later date?
That link has an image of the announcement. It just says 2019. No mention of a window, unless they said something else at a different time.
Just 2019
So, December 31 2019?
(Basically whenever they feel like it, like next Blizzcon most likely. Great.)
When I discovered this announcement before BlizzCon, I had no idea what to expect, but after the announcement of Diablo Immortal, I am highly anticipating (but have no evidence to conclude) that acquiring the skin will involve purchase or participating in that game.
That wouldn’t of surprised me… (Also Blizz, don’t be this dumb.)