When is Brigitte going to get a real nerf?

She got plenty of “real” nerf already but yeah, guess it’s not enough as long as she can kill.

yeah i mean u probably shouldnt be able to kill everything if you can survive anything

When you press H and swap to Doomfist/Sombra/Pharah maybe even Junkrat in certain situations. Widow can one shot and Hanzo can burn her shield quick. Hog destroy her.

As I said get gud. I don’t know what your main is. If you’re a tank, it’s your job to take abuse. If you’re a dps, pick a better DPS, or zarya or brig. If you’re a support, brig shouldn’t be near you

So you mean Roadhog shouldn’t kill, Brigitte shouldn’t kill, Widow shouldn’t kill(heh if she headshots you everytime you try to approach, she can survive anything), Hanzo same, who else ?

Number of nerfs a hero receives means NOTHING.

All that matters is the resulting balance. The destination, the result, can be reached through 1 nerf or 100. The number does not matter.

Stop tallying nerf numbers. It’s totally irrelevant to anything regarding balance.

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I mean you can stop whining she is getting new nerf (can’t bash through shields)
What do you want more?
brig with 100hp?

I think this is what Jeff meant by “forum brigitte”.

Didn’t you read?

Nerf brig and buff Mercy posters are the worst.

lol doom about to get nerfed for being able to upset brigittes he’s just going to become another skill hero that isn’t worth playing. and oh boy, junkrat and pharah. henzo and widowmaker. ugh.

man this game is really in the gutter if that’s what’s meta these days. hero forces 1 shot metas isnt op but hero that counters deathball is

It’s better than what you all ant who support brig, 500 hp, 200 damage per swing, 150 healing per second

wouldn’t be a bad change, actually. would put huge focus on how well they use their shield, keep them in the backline but still have very potent damage.

This is not a real argument bud. If this game is on the gutter you can leave. We aren’t forced to play the game on the preference of one no skill having player.

Also Doom nerf is so he can’t slam squishies from across the map. It has no effect on any other playstyle

You’re not serious right? I support nerfing brig but this is too far

Show me any rien player that disagrees with this, I’m calling your lies to the front.

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*when a [quote=“SiROSTRiKE-1954, post:5, topic:250735”]
Hell, even most of those Reinhardt players who would BENEFIT from this nerf disagree with it.
As a reinmain I agree with it, you really proved a point today

You appear to be one of those players who can’t recognize that some players actually want ALL heroes to be balanced rather than have theirs OP while others are UP.

56% winrate = unbalanced
Sorry what you want is a 65% winrate maybe then she will be balanced

It’s people like you who are ruining the game. Not Brig.

Take this low-effort trolling elsewhere


100 is a little low but one of the reasons why brigitte isnt kept in check is because of the EHP advantages granted by a 250 HP health pool + a 500 HP barrier

man u automatically hit rank 1 when you uninstall the game. they don’t even want me in OWL because i’m so good the other players cant even see me

Sure. But lets give her a few 1HKO abilities and can heal 500 health instantly on any targets.