When is Brigitte going to get a real nerf?

everybody always asks that when you haven’t played a game for longer than 20 minutes in the last 6 months lmao

i dont even have a battle.net client on my computer right now

roadhog is fine. don’t make roadhog useless again

shurg im tired of every game i go to, people will be like “play with your team” as a hero or class or whatever that doesn’t have to play with their team but as soon as they are made to have to rely on their team its all “oh well nobody helps me!”, “nobody kills my hook”, “this isn’t fun” lmao

Ah the old “I don’t actually play the game lul” excuse. If you don’t play, then why do you care about the balance of the game? You’re literally a huge troll. Gg.

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but roadhog isn’t overpowered

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Because I used to play the game religiously and wish it could be that fun again?

omeg wow so crazy

You used to play the game religiously at level 43 starting in July? Mmmhmm sure. If this is an alt account, post on your original and unprivate your profiles so we can see how much you’ve played in the last 6 months, because if you haven’t then it would show, no?

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Wait. If you don’t play the game, and haven’t for SIX WHOLE MONTHS, then how can you accurately gauge Brigitte’s balancing at the moment?

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your definition of "almost ruined’ is pretty distorted
she’s still going to be run quite a bit, and the change only consistently affects three matchups in the entire game, one of them being a mirror matchup

Enough with this “Forum Brigitte” bs please.

So many threads popping up and you start reading through the OP and you’re just slapped with emotional exaggerated opinions, while possibly worth listening to and considering in principle, just end up instigating and antagonizing. Then you get Jeff droppin jokes on “forum Brigitte” and discussions constantly defaulting to this recycled exchange. Look at Mercy concept, same discussion, 0 evolution for over a year. Total joke.

Please, Blizzard Forums, stop feeding memes.

Brig is something. She’s been unprecedented in so many ways, etc, etc, there is NO DENYING that Brig hasn’t been “fine” or “normal” or anything like that.

How to address that, who knows, I don’t know how this nerf will effect her. I don’t want her or any hero gutted.

I’m not going to sit here and act like she is “fine.”

Over 40 hours on the hero, many of which not even remotely sober, and easy maintained a 68%-70% win rate. Easiest climb of my life.

Just how it is. I wish people would stop being hyperbolic. “THIS NERF WILL RUIN HER!” What a joke of an argument. Only effects heroes able to generate shields. Rein, Winston, Orisa, Sym. This is going to ruin her? I thought she was meant to deal with dive and flank, not anchor tanks…

This forum is so lost when it comes to balance. People can’t even come to an agreement on what qualifies as a buff and what qualifies as a revert. What a joke.


sounds like way too much work for me to do just to make you happy lol i really don’t care that much, blizzard has everything they need to know if they want to verify it

Well that’s how Brigitte got created in the first place lol if you want to break something you have to hit it with something that’s harder than what it’s made of.

Lol my mechanics are tarnished. you don’t think i will struggle to return to a game i’ve been out of practice playing for more than 6 months when almost nothing that has been changed about brigitte effects the level of pressure experienced when forced into close quarters with her?

the cooldown of shield bash got nerfed by 2 seconds and her barrier hp got nerfed by 100. that’s nothing.

“I don’t wanna” just admit you’re lying and we’ll move on.

You obviously haven’t played in forever if you think she’s even remotely as oppressive as she was on release.

Stop being such a cry baby and learn to gitgud. I stopped reading your post after “remove stun”.

They gave her a good nerf, and it’s obvious Blizzard is listening to users and trying to balance her without going overboard.

whatever then man i really don’t care.

that’s because i really don’t have to. everything that has made her one of blizzard’s biggest mistakes is still in place.

No hysteria or mass forum movement can be held solely responsible for any balance change that has been made. Devs consider, devs change. We are all but peasants.

You can agree or disagree with their reasoning, that’s fine. I disagree with the devs a lot, is what it is.

This forum is so tribal it blows my mind sometimes.

It’s an amazing social experiment tbh.

Wow, someone disagrees with me and has a different POV wow, unacceptable

Oh, but you do. This is proven because you made this stupid troll thread and are still replying to people. You do care, you just got called out and can’t actually back it up.

What is gitgud in overwatch? when you press H and swap to brigitte? is that the part where you manage to stay awake long enough to win the game?

You did the same thing earlier