What's The Point of Sound Barrier?

For those who don’t want to watch the video, A junkrat uses Rip-Tire, I use Sound Barrier, and we all die anyway.

So much for


Dragon blade, dragon strike, tact. Visor…


Sound Barrier is supposed to survive a large burst of damage.

Also since you were trapped in a Graviton prior to Rip-Tire hitting you, they chipped away at Sound Barrier combined with the decay of the shields before Rip-Tire’s full impact (600 dmg) hit you anyway.


As said above the barriers got chipped away a bit before the Rip Tire hit so of course you die. Trans or Rally wouldn’t change that outcome either.


Graviton activated almost the second I used Sound Barrier. There was no time for it to chip away.

You’ve got max charge Zarya doing 190 DPS from behind and Moira eating away at your team in the kill cam what.


Dragonblade will eat through Sound Barrier
So will Dragonstrike
Tact Visor can kill Lucio before he hits the ground


Well, if you look at the video right before you die, your health is less than 600
it did chip away, as did some other things.

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Also the decay from Sound Barrier itself is detrimental to surviving in most situations. I’ve personally thought Lucio’s ult could use a buff for a while seeing as it’s quite unreliable at times at doing it’s job at countering burst damage when needed instantly.


More importantly, what is that crosshair in the video?


Because it IS a reaction to big incoming damage. It can be absolutely insane if you use it properly. Excepting it to shield you from everything is just silly.


It’s… a crosshair. You can customize it in the controls menu.

It’s my lucio crosshair. I picked it up back in August, for Lucioball It helps me aim and see what I’m shoooting at, at the same time.

I have similar ones for Orisa and Widowmaker.

You’re not going to like this but you used it like 1s too soon.

Does it matter? if I used it in such a way that it activated an instant before the Rip-Tire hit, Soundbarrier would have been eaten through and everyone would have died anyway. So I ask again, what’s the point?

I went and watched it again, and the sheilds went down because they were decaying.

Maybe Sound Barrier’s shields should decay slower…

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I still get kind of mad when I drop the beat , and 3 teammates die to a dva bomb. Even if perfectly timed, it can still kill teammates who fail to escape. I use up my ult to cover their fumble (as it is supposed to do), but they die anyways and we’re down an ult.


The fact that riptire can kill tanks alone is a bit questionable in my opinion.
Especially considering he has that thing twice every team fight.


Rip-tire is a large burst of damage??

But Trans blocks those ults as well, and MUCH more reliably due to the lack of a casting time. Sound barrier has one of the longest ult cast times in the game, is cancellable with stuns and decays VERY quikly.