What's The Point of Sound Barrier?

Yes but trans can be nullified by a anti heal nade while Sonic barrier doesn’t not I believe

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Yeah, Trans can be nullified by one ability used by one character in the game; one, which I might add, that hasn’t been widely used in over a year.

Sound Barrier can be nullified by the things it’s supposed to counter; burst damage.


On top of that, it can be countered by stuns. And we are currently in the stun meta.

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Ana is the least relevant support in the game.
But even then, EMP cancels Sound barrier too.

Sound barrier can’t absorb damage for as long as Trans.
As the barrier decays, damage gets done it it too. And imo, the long casting time doesn’t justify it’s output. Trans has no cast time, so isn’t cancellable, makes zen invincible and ALWAYS lasts for 6 seconds. Most of my sound barriers get deleted in 2 to 4 seconds.

Giving Zen some competition in the counter ult department wouldn’t hurt.
He’s already the second most used support.


If we are talking relevant why bring sombra in this

Because you mentioned counter play.
So since we’re talking about counterplay, you should acknowledge Sound barrier’s counter play too.

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Watch again but this time watch your health. You will see it drops below 600 before the tire hits.

But again, what’s the point of Sound Barrier if it doesn’t mitigate damage? Even If I was at 700, the maximum health I could have gotten, I would still have died. 600 Damage on top of the Moira ult and Graviton; an ult that’s supposed to counter burst damage can’t reliably do it.

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Sounds a bit unreasonable honestly asking for his ult to stop 3. Can it stop burst damage? Absolutely. But it’s also possible for the enemy team to out burst your burst.


It can’t stop burst damage. Even with perfect timing, Sound Barrier will lose out to Rip Tire almost every time.

Not really. If times right and it’s not comb’d with other ults it will stop it. I’ve done it plenty times and I’ve seen other Lucios do it.

Again, the issue is not Lucio can’t stop burst with his ult because he can. If the burst is greater than his ult though then it won’t do much. Just like Zen can save from some ults but cant do anything against burst damage that deals more damage than their hp.

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So what’s the point of ulting?

Because he can still save plenty of people from burst damage. He just can’t save people when the burst is greater than his burst save. Just like Mercy can’t save anyone if they are taking more than 60 fps. It doesn’t make them useless, it’s just there are limitations to everything.

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Trans would not have helped in that situation either.

The only support ult that would have been able to attempt to salvage that situation was Mass Res. Which is gone from the game.

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You’re ignoring the previously stated facts in order to push your salt-driven narrative. They chipped your barrier down enough that, combined with the decay, you were brought below 600 HP.

That’s what happened, and your video only supports that. It was not “an instant” before the Rip-Tire hit.

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Yeah, the first thing I did was rewatch the video and see where your health was, it was less than 600 when you got hit, RIP Tire does like 500(?) damage if you’re in the center of the explosion. Coupled with others shooting you, it makes sense you died. Don’t get me wrong, I love Lucio and I wish sound barrier was a little nicer to use considering the insane cast time (stun meta is horrible for Lucio’s ult), super fast decay, and how slow it takes to charge, but I think this death was reasonable.

Being stuck in graviton surge, I’ve had my health chipped down or been killed a lot and I couldnt see what did it cause I can never see anything while clumped together with my team.

Yeah I feel you, a well timed lucio ult should be able to counter Riptire. Feels like BS that it doesn’t very well. It could start at 1,000 instead of 500 and go down at the same rate so it actually would do its job better.

I mean not to mention it’s the slowest charging ult in the game, compared to Rat’s which I’m sure we’ve all seen go off 17 seconds into the start of a game.

i dont think there is anyway to stop that team kill except for:

  1. Kill the rip tire
  2. play a very split comp so you do not all get grav’d (normally when you do not have a defensive ult or a way to stop their incoming grav + any ult combo. you play split. the best way to counter grav here is to not sustain yourself through the grav, but make her have a minimum impact. tell your team to focus the zarya down. more often than not, they will panic grav. play split so she can grab a maximum of 2 people. if one of those 2 is a tank, thats great). Best way to counter grav is to avoid it. Normally in higher elos, even trans is not enough to heal through the damage coming into the grav.

Transcendence can straight up be bursted through, in addition to being anti-nadeable. A well placed Riptire, Nanoblade, sniper headshots and etc. can simply deal damage quicker than Trans heals it. Sound Barrier can nullify damage by absorbing it rather than taking and healing it, and thus can be used to block burst ults- but not much before or after said ults.

It does matter. Ive blocked the damage before with lucio and after one second the shields provided aren’t enough to defend against the ult.