What's the point of Mercy?

I played Mercy since Season 1 and dropped her after the rework because I didn’t like the way she played. Even at her most broken.

Also, the dev team have repeatedly said that the way players FEEL about a character factors into their definition of balance. Not all the time, but they don’t dismiss it outright.


Given that a great many of us already find Mercy to be engaging, rewarding, and impactful to play, including in her ultimate, I dont see any change being necessary to reach this objective - she’s already there

Factually, the playerbase doesnt own the rights to what Mercy is defined to be. The playerbase owns the rights to participate in a game called Overwatch, a game that Blizzard owns as an intellectual property, which includes Mercy.

As such, Mercy can be defined/redefined by Blizzard as they see fit, regardless of whether said changes match the will of the playerbase, whether they blush or not


In my opinion, a good Mercy player will never be spectating while playing Mercy.

Plenty to do to help her team at all times, whether in normal or ult mode.



Yeah, I know, but you don’t only listen to how the playerbase for a character feels about it.

Why is it okay for you to state your opinion but not for me to do so?

As someone smarter than me once put it:

Balancing opinions should be viewed as a box, with Good Players at top and Bad at bottom, Mains/Fans of a character at left and Haters/Avoiders at right.

The weight of opinions should thus be ranked: Top Left > Top Right > Bottom Left > Bottom Right.

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no. (xdddddd 20 characters)

Keep in mind that there is a youtube account bearing the same name as the forum member you are replying to that calls for a boycott of all Blizzard products

which I would have thought included these forums


I’m not saying it’s not okay

I disagree with your inequalities for the weights. I don’t think there is any sound logic that leads to this compound inequality. Please present it if you have it though

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Not really. Goats just bulldozes it again.

Okay, then I’ll drop it here, then.

Well, that’s rather rude.

People who main/like a character are the most qualified to tell you what it is fun/what they like about the character and how it feels to play them. People who hate or dislike a character are the most likely to underestimate the kit. For example, look at what happened when Symmetra was reworked to favor people who didn’t like her kit at the expense of those that did; auto-aim removed, turrets reduced, and Ultimates changed. As a result, Symm is even less viable and even less played than she was before.

Likewise, a bad player is not qualified and/or less qualified to talk about balance changes than a good one. This should be common sense. They don’t understand the game and/or the character enough to make an informed opinion. That doesn’t mean they will always be incorrect, but if someone right now were to tell you “Bastion is way too broken” and they’re stuck in Bronze, then their opinion is probably worth less than a GM/Pro player that tells you Bastion is underpowered.


Disagreeing with you is not rude. What is rude is calling someone rude for disagreeing with you about your seemingly arbitrary compound inequality

They are also the most biased towards making their character better.

They are the most biased towards making the character bad or ineffective

I’m pretty sure there is a quote by Jeff recently that confirmed they reworked Symmetra (actually Torbjorn, but same principle) to make her more playable in more situations because they didn’t expect people to main or 1 trick heroes. They intentionally created situational heroes and had to change them because people refuse to only play situational characters when the situation calls for it.


Being bad at the mechanics of the game doesn’t mean you cannot comment about the game as a whole. They can talk about balance changes at the high level and low level because things are understandable even if you cannot apply them. Sure, they may not be as reliable all the time, but just because you are bad at the game mechanics doesn’t mean you don’t understand the game or the character enough to make an informed opinion.

Onto your example about Bastion. Well, I would say that the Bronze player is correct within the context of their rank. Blizzard wants to balance with all ranks in mind if I recall correctly, so this is definitely still important.

I wouldn’t say their opinion is worth less (That would be rude by the way, to use your own accusation). No, I would say their opinion is more tailored to the rank they are in.

I understand why people would think your inequality makes sense, but I can’t accept it at face value, sorry.


Being shipped with Pharah
#Pharmercy :yellow_heart::blue_heart:

Telling me that you “don’t think there is any sound logic” is what’s rude. That goes beyond disagreement into insult.

And no, it’s not rude to call something rude.

Which is why neither opinion is outright DISMISSED. But if you listen to haters at the same level of fans, then the character will become less fun to play. This is a videogame, so the fun of playing said character is a consideration that is EQUAL to balance. Nobody wants to play a game that’s balanced and boring.

Yes, and they failed, because Symmetra is even MORE situational than before.

That’s my point.

That isn’t what I said. As you yourself say later “they may not be as reliable”.

As you just said, their opinion is not as reliable. Again, I did not say they should be ignored.


I mean Mercy is a low skill character after all. Not meant for high ranks.

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despite that, Mercy sees play at high ranks, with many players maining her…and has even been even played in meaningful professional matches

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Which doesn’t make sense for such a low skill hero. That’s why she was nerfed.

According to both NeptuNo and Seagull, Mercy is one of the most difficult players to play at the highest level due to the complexities involved.


Is this referring to his crouch ability?

I have a different understanding of the reasons why she was nerfed than what is stated here

That said, I am unsure why it doesn’t make sense for a high level player (including but not limited to a pro) who is winning games playing Mercy to not play Mercy

Personally, I see Mercy as easy to play for a beginner but difficult to fully master

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jep. only can support that.

Def team, I am happy about that new hero. But it REALLY feels like mercy is left in the dust now. Her utility is just trash now, and a lot of suggestions that were made for her were used for that new hero. Death-prevention, not-ally-dependant movement, more engaging ult…

Talking about the ult. Is mercy even taking advantage of his ult in terms of healing? They only are mentioning PROJECTILES! So… the only other healer that takes advantage of it is ana? Seriously?

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