What's the point of Mercy?

Well I hate to be beastly and disagree with you but I think if you play him youll see that it’s very hard to consisnetly heal Pharah, Widow, Hanzo, Junkrat, Ashe and any other hero who is bouncing around away from their team as Baptise. Marcy’s mobility and Ana’s hitscan healing are much better for those heroes, who are widely played outside of the very highest levels. My experience is also that Mercy is also a lot more durable than him. He can heal himself very slowly on a 15s cooldown, his jump is often very predictable and his field can save him from a flanker at the cost of diminishing his utility for the duration of the cooldown (unlike Mercy’s low cooldown regeneration passive and 2s cooldown mobility). Aside from being main healers they are demonstrably very different in a number of ways. :blush:

The exact same arguments were made when Moira was released, that she would make Mercy obsolete, and that has definitely proven to be incorrect, as all available statistics and professional play supports :blush:

So instead of pining for slow, clunky mass rez Mercy back, why not embrace the fact that she still has a role, a much higher skill ceiling now thanks to her wonderful movement tech and that she now has a buddy to help her out getting off those risky Rez’s? :blush:


I think this is quite a bit premature

This is only referring to the gamesense involved and it wasn’t on ladder, only in professional play where every mistake was very quickly punished. They were also referring to the fact that Mercy was typically played by the main support player who is also a shotcaller. This isn’t the same as the ladder experience, even at very high levels. Mercy is now an easy to learn but somewhat difficult to master hero with rewarding movement mechanics and demanding gamesense. She has a good niche and is still seeing a great deal of professional play :slight_smile:


No… that’s not rude. I haven’t seen any logic that I deem sound that supports it. You can’t just throw out inequalities (especially to an applied mathematician like myself) and expect us to believe it without sound logic…

And no, it doesn’t go beyond disagreement. It is literally just a disagreement. If you feel insulted, then I’m sorry, but what I said is not rude.

It is when the person wasn’t being rude, at least to me it is.

I’m not getting into the “fun” argument on this point because it is necessarily entirely subjective and even the “mains” don’t agree on what to do, so it’s sort of a moot point.

However, I would actually say that it is possibly better to make a character more fun to play against rather than fun to play. Utilitarian mind-set basically.

Is it equal though? Because even if the characters are super fun the game will still suck and be boring if it is poorly balanced. I also contend that fun playing against said character is just as if not more important than how it feels to play as them.

You’re… not right though? You may dislike what they did to her, but she is undeniably more useful in more situations than her original release or possibly even 2.0.

And, more importantly in my opinion, she is more fun to play against.


It makes sense.

With how outright limited she is her window/best option to change an engagement is fairly narrow. Her timing, positioning, and ability to read a scenario need to be on point because she doesn’t have the power to directly turn a situation around due to those concrete limits.

In a general response to the topic: I’m unsure how Baptiste will effect Mercy and her place in game, and I’m not sure I really care.

If he overruns her Blizzard will either need to buff her, nerf him, or admit they forced a square peg through a round hole and rework Mercy in a way that adds an appreciable skill curve while keeping her basic functionality easily accessible.

And if he doesn’t, well no reason to get riled up over nothing.

I’m on console so I’ll see how this plays out when it hits live.


you could be right.
I hope you are right
Or… I still hope that SOMETHING happens to mercy

It got removed because the “upon allies’ death” clause was holding Mercy back.

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Mercy has better and more reliable single-target healing overall, and comparable multi-target healing during Valk. Valk’s offensive boost isn’t ridiculously limited by range and position. Mercy has free self-healing and way, way, way better mobility (she has Baptiste’s super jump on a 2s cooldown, if I may steal your dumb comparison), so she can survive ALL flankers with good play and then bring allies back to life when they die to flanks.

The “point” of Mercy is the same as always.

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Indeed. I’m so confused… they even buffed Moira’s healing a bit in this patch!

At least revert Mercy’s base heal nerf. She can only do one thing at a time! When that thing is healing, it should be good!


also, mercy has damage boost, which baptise doesn’t have outside of his ult. And even then it works in a different way.
Also, try to heal pharah, ashe, hanzo, widow and other characters when they are constantly darting around the map.

It’s like people haven’t even seen baptiste kit.

I just wish people would just shut up about mass rez. It isn’t coming back. You are only setting you up for disappointemnt if you think it’s gonna come back.


I KNOW. Who looks at Baptiste and thinks, “Oh look, a Mercy upgrade.” What Hero are you playing? What game?

As a seasoned Mercy player, the first thing I noticed was her synergy with Baptiste. But wait, here come the players saying that introducing synergistic Heroes is just an “excuse” to keep Mercy in “the dumpster.” First Ashe, now Baptiste, it’s all a conspiracy!

The victims and doomsayers rule these forums.


OK, they do have synergy, so I guess you found the point of Mercy: Baptiste’s sidekick.

This exactly. I don’t know why some people refuse to see that Rez is exactly what is holding her back. It is a bad mechanic that is overpowered at its core and that is why the rest of her kit feels bland in comparison, especially to people that want Mass Rez back for ‘impact.’


Really? Gotta test this tonight then. Time to reinstall overwatch.

So? By definition, if you disagree with someone, then usually you don’t agree with their logic. Claiming that they lack logic just because you don’t agree with it is an insult.

And it’s my opinion that you were, so :woman_shrugging:

Do you want to get into a subjective argument or do you not? Because fun to play against is just as subjective as playing with.

Except you can have no fun playing a character but have to because your team will lose otherwise. Meanwhile, the enemy team has all the fun in the world.

See also: main tanks.

If the game is fun and broken, people are still having fun playing it.

For example, Marvel vs Capcom.

Except her pickrates dropped to an all time low and she’s seen as an even WEAKER pick, even on defense. She may be slightly more useful on attack at the expense of being MUCH less useful overall.

Thanks for proving my point. Symm mains seem to be even less happy about her current state than former state, and she’s seen as more of a throw pick than ever, but I guess it all balances out if you’re having fun against her.

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People really think old mercy, particularly her ult, was healthy, fun, and fair?


In a game filled with 1 shots, and stuns; yes. Oh, and that’s before even mentioning the ults.

The thing is mercy in her current state cannot be given actual buffs unless there is some kind of compensation nerf to accompany it. For something to be given something else had to be taken away from her.

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Did you play in seasons 1 to 3 ish? Mercy was a nightmare. 100% pick, every game. The fights revolved around exclusively killing the Mercy, and if you didn’t you lost.


You also lost if you didn’t kill the team fast enough after, giving her time to run back from spawn and still team rez with a Q