What's the point of Mercy?

I can definitely see much more use for Mercy now, Immortality Field is a game changer for…well, the game.
He’s not going to replace her, he’s going to enable her big time.
Mercy and Baptiste as duo healers is going to be a thing, i’m sure of it.


I was thinking this… compare that with Resurrection is going guarantee a safe res.

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to be accessible to new players and introduce them to the game.

People keep saying this yet it makes no sense. They made a hero just to be played for 1 week then never used again? Rein is also an introductory hero yet is played in every tier of the game.


Rein and Winston both have very high skill ceilings (winston more than Rein IMO). Yes you can get basic value out of them but look at OWL. Fissure going to LAG last season took them from a bottom 3 team to a top team. That’s the level of impact that main tanks can have because the hero’s let the best players show they are in fact the best players.

Mercy does not. All her abilities do everything for you except for clicking the button. Plenty of people play her for more than a week but I think she is fine where she is and has her niche even at the highest levels

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Your post is pretty contradictory. You state she’s fine yet admit she lacks a skill ceiling like the other introductory heroes. Clearly something needs to be changed, no?

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Because they aren’t introductory hero’s. She is, rein and winston are not.

As long as her kit functions as hand holding as it does, she should not have a very high impact on the game. It’s literally baked into her kit to have limits. It isn’t like that for any other hero on the roster. She is meant to have limits and be accessible

You don’t think many of us know her skill ceiling is low? Mercy 2.0 lowered it a lot from launch. “Introductory” simply means low skill floor, not ceiling. Soldier in TF2 has a very low skill floor with knock back resistance, high health, AoE weapon, but he has a massive skill ceiling with rocket jumping. The hero can grow with you, and has depth. Mercy right now lacks depth, Valk being the epitome of this, while Baptiste has pretty much the same flavor ult rolled into a skilled interactive package.


Rein/winston aren’t that much different. Neither have to use aim ( hold up shield pressing button, swing with the other), Winston is similar with his hold down left click.
However, the huge difference is the skill potential in ultimates. Give her an ult with a high skill ceiling potential like the others. Her being the ONLY hero with limits makes no sense.

Doesn’t his ult last like 5 seconds or something? And has a very heavy limit on it’s usage considering it’s size and that it’s stationary

I wouldn’t call it better, just situational better, same goes for valk

Correction: Amp field does not heal, it only buffs healing, similar to Ana’s Bio Grenade (after the initial burst). It also entirely relies on your teammates actually shooting through it, which is definitely going to be rough in an on-point brawl.

Also, you know how Supercharger is viewed as one of the weakest ultimates because it just sits there? That’s how Amp field would be. At least Mercy can push with her team.

Yikes the false equivalencies and superjumping (lulz) to conclusions… To be expected around here. Give it time.


Mercy/ Baptiste + DPS is going to be very strong.

Both their ults work well as Offensive/ Defensive; their kits complement eachother; and the both work well with lower hp targets because their slower heals

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Immortality field counters the barrage of Gravs that Goats always sees, the Amp Matrix sees little value when used with Goats because it doesn’t count in beam weapons or hammer swings, but has TONS of value against it for obliterating barriers and tanks. The Shift ability has a small radius and large cooldown, I like to think it won’t be enough to keep Goats up…

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How? GOATS (especially DOATS) has enough unblockable damage to destroy it the second it’s put down.

It buys time and diverts resources, Grav doesn’t last that long.

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Again, not really. Everyone just continues swinging away into the Graved team and destroy it. If Baptiste times it right, he can save his team just as the Graviton ends, but that’s a best case scenario and they’ll still be low health afterwards.

Anyway, moving onto Mercy: What I’d love to see be buffed on her is Valk granting both heals AND damage amp to your teammates. It would definitely put her in a better spot without bringing back the Moth meta.

In my opinion, It will never be a great time to re-introduce mass rez, given that this ability was - in my opinion - the very worst ability given to any Overwatch character in the history of the game.

It makes one blush just remembering how bad it was for the game as a whole


You mean literally only with her ultimate and only for you and people who think like you.
Whether you like it or not her Guardian Angel, the most fun part of her kit to me, has only been buffed and allows for far more expression and fun with Mercy than “wait, resurrect”

You and people who think like you are not her playerbase, so please stop marginalizing those like me who enjoy current Mercy more and have played her since season 1. Also, it doesn’t really matter what the playerbase wants. Balance is what really matters.