Just talking about the weapon, not the overall character. Everyone telling “her weapon is so weak”. Well I’m just replying that i disagree. You can tell that the whole character that is kind of a close ranged squishy with no quick escape of defence mechanic is weak. And I agree, I think that sym rework and trying to swap her to offence character is a huge design abomination, but I don’t think her weapon is bad.
People are insane with these Sym buffs she doesn’t even need.
Her M1 needs tweaks, her turrets are fine, her TP needs tweaks.
She isn’t a bad hero, I consistently get gold dmg when I play her, and my wr is pretty good.
what else can you relay on? her primary fire relays on her having to charge for up to 4 secs which can be a death sentence against enemys who can dodge it (which is pretty easy considering how small it is) and her teleporter is too team reliant. the only consistent thing a sym player can rely on are her turrets and her orbs
Her primary needs a large buff to its initial damage stage and a faster charge up, her turrets are fine yes but for the amount of value they give and the small pool of them she now has and how big of a commitment it is to use them all they could use a reduction in cooldown especially as how core they are to her ability to fight now and how often she has to reposition them.
her tp needs either faster setup or infinite duration and either way it needs a much larger interact radius. Nobody with any sense would think shes a bad hero but the same can be said for anyone that thinks shes fine as she is. Having gold damage isn’t something to flaunt as Sym it should be a staple you can do massive amounts of damage when the stars align but the issue is she doesn’t have that damage on demand when she needs it most to secure a kill or push a point, all of her abilities have windup ramp up or charging /setup time ALL OF THEM she needs one source of instant reliable damage that should be her primary as its very reliant on aim but its sucks until its at-least level 2.
“Yo red team. Give me four seconds while I charge up on this shield so I can take you out. Stop shooting me, Hanzo. It was you! There’s an arrow in my neck!”
Nobody asks you to be ahead of your tank shield. You will charge when the team engages.
(i don’t say it’s easy btw)
Even if you do get the thing actually charged, the awful tickrate is still going to rob you of most of the beam’s DPS to the point where it would have just been better to spam 120 damage orbs constantly.
I can’t roll my eyes hard enough.
She’s the only DPS that takes time to charge any weapon. Unless you have a turret nest and someone who can’t hear them cooing to the blue moon, or find an enemy that has already been badly hurt Sym can’t secure any kills in Deathmatch. It’s the same when she flanks. You might get a Widow who is focused somewhere else but that’s it.
People wanted her to be a DPS, she wasn’t designed for that in the first place.
Who’s is fault for that ?
Blizz for making a flawed design
The Devs?
I would have preferred defence but then they got rid of defence.
Personally, she would have been fine in support with her throwable turrets and an ability to conjure up hardlight healthpacks.
Yeah, I wouldnt mind if they were on a lower cool down. The few times I play sym it does feel like an age before your turrets come off cool down.
At the same time its just one of those things to consider if youre playing sym. I’ve been in a few matches where the syms just fire turrets directly at me hoping it will go behind me like ??? could at least try and position it somewhere else and not just blatantly in front of my eyes? lol Or they fire them off from so far away its really hit or miss whether it lands without someone seeing it first.
I couldn’t agree more. But for the moment, I don’t think the problem lies in her primary fire. It’s the whole character design that is lacking.
You can design a close-range squishy with no viable escape or protection. It can’t work.
That’s why Sym players end up using mostly her right click and turrets, because her left click wouldn’t work fine unless it becomes insanely OP.
Tbh, Bastion, Sym, Hanzo are the good examples of bad character design that can’t be viable unless they are overpowered. We see that well with Hanzo nowadays, and with Bastion super iron clad (thx god it lasted 1 week max).
preaching to the choir, pal
Honestly I’d like it if she could depend less on her turrets to do damage. They may be delicate, but they can really hurt and disrupt a team especially when the Symm is doing a good job of placing them. I think that her turrets and their cd is probably the only part of her new kit that I can honestly say is fine.
I’d prefer if she got buffed in other areas, like a primary fire that isn’t garbage, and a tp that doesn’t take a lifetime to deploy.
TIL that turrets can shoot you from across the map. What am I doing wrong?
This is how i like to see it, she has no defensive abilities and protection along with having 200 health, at least zarya can get her damage in bursts while having a invincible bubble to protect herself and having 400 health, zarya also does more damage at maximum charge and it’s not awful against armor, as i said it’s worse in every way, and by reused asset i meant there is literally no difference in how the primary fire feels, it’s just a straight beam, if they replaced the sound effect and the animation to match zarya’s beam then it would be the same.
Also her teleporter is not a mobility ability, you’d just die if you used that to escape someone in the middle of a fight and her turrets are another matter, i’m not just going to fight a symmetra and ingore all those turrets while fighting her, i’d destroy them beforehand and then taker her out and if she wants to throw them at me mid fight then i can just punch them quickly.
Sure and I agree. My main point was that if the devs are going to keep the weapon weak because they expect turrets to be a main and consistent damage source, they’ll need to be buffed.
If the weapon / tp / survivability get buffed and turrets are seen as a supplement (to me they should be) then I don’t think buffs are mandatory.
Blizzard failed with the rework. They prefer sym doesn’t exist.
She can’t have more turrets because her primary fire is so strong.
Honestly i think that sym’s turrets are problematic to balance and ill fitting of the game. I could honestly see a version of sym with a much stronger base kit and no turrets Being really interesting.
If the turrets are kept though i think taking away the slow down affect and improving other aspects of her kit would be nice. Give her the torb treatment were the turret is more of an afterthought. But that is just me, I am open to other suggestions.