So at the time of engagement your team is essentially a man down for the first 4 seconds? And to you this is good?
Yeah, but Torb’s rework is still a garbage fire. But I guess after a dumpster fire or two, just a flaming waste-basket is seen as an improvement.
I don’t really see how, his primary and secondary fire have been greatly improved, his turret is a bit better then before, his ultimate is a good area denial ultimate, and while he can’t give armor to allies anymore his overload ability is a improvement for armor he can give to himself along with making him more of a dps.
Symmetra on the other hand now has the worst primary fire in the game along with no defensive or mobile abilities.
Your post just inspired me for a fix. I just thought of overload and how awesome it is. Sym needs a panic button and we can get one if we play with teleporter. Imagine this:
"Symmetra can now interact with her teleporter immediately to use it. (basically an instant escape and not having to wait for the build time) Symmetra and her allies who use the teleporter are granted 50 shield HP for a short period of time.
Basically, if you’re jumped you can drop a TP and immediately press your interact key to escape. This is also useful for giving you and your team a bit more bulk to initiate / escape.
OO or you can left click to deploy the TP as is, or right click would instantly teleport you to the exit portal! Now that I like.
That sounds like a pretty good idea👌
Although i think it would be more interesting for her allies to gain shields when walking through her photon barrier ultimate instead.
The reason for the 10 second cooldown is because of their stackability. Her cooldown can reset WHILE she already has turrets set down, whereas Torb/Sombra’s cooldowns don’t start until after their deployables have been destroyed