What's the justification for 10s cooldown on sentry turrets?

Sentry turrets are destructible mid-air, take time to activate when hitting a surface, and are oneshottable by essentially everything.

In addition, it seems that turret DPS is “holding back” sym’s weapon, and used as an excuse for a weak primary because “the weapon is not our only source of damage.”

…So why on earth are they on such a long cooldown? My personal belief is that it’s just oversight and a remnant of old times. The turrets were always on a 10s cooldown, regardless of anything else. I legitimately think they were left as is without any real thought and “just because.”

The turret cooldown needs to be drastically reduced. In addition, they need to deploy immediately upon reaching a surface. Sym’s damage ramp / slow build mechanic is again a byproduct of old design and is why she’s lacking as a DPS.


It’s because you can teleport bomb.


That’s lame. If you manage to pull off a successful bomb (which again can be shut down by a melee attack / any aoe damage) you’ve blown 30s of turret cooldowns and the tele cooldown.


Because Symm can stack multiple turrets, and they have basically infinite range.


The character concept was, in hindsight, lame. Three reworks later and the community still isn’t satisfied.

Personally I am holding out for rework number four.


Because destroying the turret needs to be something that is rewarded. Destroying a turret doesn’t mean much if the Torb can just throw out a new one every few seconds with little to no risk.


Probably cause they’re unfun to play against or somthin’.


There was no reason, but if it makes you feel any better it was for the same reason that her primary is awful, which was for no reason…


Not really. Although I’d imagine a Symm with 5s CD turrets to be the epitome of bad game design. But they did make Doomfist.


I think 7 seconds would be a good cooldown.

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Yeah OP said drastically reduced tho.

All she needs is a faster charging M1 and a faster deploying TP.

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I’d prefer her old primary fire since it was a bad decision to repalce her primary fire in general, imagine if they replaced winston’s/mccree’s/genji’s primary fire and so on, no matter the character they should never replace their primary fire, yet another area where the torbjorn rework succeeded compared to symmetra’s…sigh

Her current one is basically a reused zarya beam asset that’s worse in every way.


It isn’t though.

She doesn’t need to block dmg to increase her DPS, she doesn’t lose charge while her weapon is actively doing DPS, and she has access to mobility and other offensive abilities [turrets].

Sym players rely way too much on sentries. Seriously, 90% of syms I play against don’t do anything else than placed sentries and wait. And I’m not even gold or below.

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Probably because her damage is crap otherwise outside of spamming orbs.


Turrets need one of two things prefer both a lower CD around 6-7 seconds and/or if you fire off a new turret while all three of her other turrets are still up and not taking/dealing damage then she gets no CD at all this would allow sym to re-position her turrets constantly which she has to do because her kit is lacking without her turrets up shes gimped.

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Seriously, she can charge on shields, and when charged, she has basically the same weapon than a full charged Zarya.
Never heard of Zarya full charged being underpowered.

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I agree. Reduced or removed completely, and the extra turret damage given to her primary in respect.

The problem with old turrets is that they were never really in the way. Turret here, turret there, slap slap, turrets gone.

For an ability that can be hindered by a melee it sure isn’t available enough to warrant having.

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I didn’t know Sym had her own person bubble that blocks damage letting her get close enough to use her beam.


… when was the last time you could happily just stand there for 4 seconds uninterupted and charge up on a shield? ill tell you when its when the fight is already in your teams favor by the time her beam reaches rank three the enemy is already dead. Zarya also keeps her charge for ages and has the health and kit and range to actually use her beam while sym doesn’t

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