šŸ›” "What's going on?" - Every Reinhardt Main Ever


I think Rein just needs a new ult as most of the time Hammer Down either never works as intended or only gets one maybe 2 people down.

For the 200 + hours of playing Rat against Reins I have never not once ever got caught in a hammer down more than maybe twice or three times, and 2 out of those 3 times werenā€™t even aimed at me lol

Alrightā€¦ welp.

You win the best gif award. :medal_sports:
That is the only gif i will ever use now.

I kinda feel like Tanks are being ignored right along with ā€œDefensiveā€ Heroesā€¦

Whereā€™s the love man?


Itā€™s a great gif, mostly because you donā€™t see it right away.

And yeah, the tank role feels oppressive sometimes because tanks are absolutely required to win a game, yet all of them feel bad right now because theyā€™re either buggy or not worth a damn in the current meta.

I am sorry, D.Va and Winston mains. I love you all the same


His swing is slower and you canā€™t animation cancel out of shield for a quick hit making it far more punishable and kills his comboā€™s. I guess its fair considering how trivial it was to CQC/shieldslap Reapers into submission but it still makes me sad that he feels so stunted. Please tell me this isnā€™t an official nerf and, if so, why wasnā€™t it listed in the official patch notes? Iā€™m sure many have lost sr due to this surprise change.

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Itā€™s really no different than what helps separate good Genjis from bad ones. Bad Genjis donā€™t utilize animation cancels. And neither do bad Reinhardts.

Iā€™m not saying theyā€™re the same hero, just providing another example.

You take that away from Genji players and theyā€™re going to be rather upset.

im happy with this nerf. shields on this game is annoying af

Ironic, considering itā€™s not even the shield that is the problem.


Tracerā€™s and Reaperā€™s are laughing at my swings. Make it stop.

ah then it is an intentional nerf. youā€™re supposed to be holding up shield and not swing. so blizzard kind of forced you to be doing that. and punish you if you do otherwise.

this nerf makes sense.

I just saw that video with the earthshatter changes,sorry, I meant stealth nerfs/bugs(?).

Iā€™m so triggered right now.
HOW DO THEY DO IT? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Animation cancels removed, Sluggish movements, slow shield retracements, new earthshatter and ghost melee swing bugs introduced, NOTHING FIXED YET, NEW BUGS AND NEW STEALTH NERFS! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
No comments from blizzard, just silent treatment as usual.


Iā€™m really glad this was posted because I feel like it answers the problems Iā€™ve been having as healer. Without Rein the teams all seem messed up and disorganized like nobody knows what to do so they pick off tanks and the dps just runs around like idiots. I hope they fix Rein soon, maybe things will go back to how they were if our favorite main tank is working right


Well, hopefully if it gains more views itā€™ll get a blue response of some kind. Again, Iā€™m not asking for full details, or a, ā€œomg weā€™ll fix this right now!ā€ I just want it to be acknowledged. We can adapt.

Feels so bad to play rein now.

On top of all the bugs, old and new, now there is another high-mobility hero with displacement effects.

Reinhardt needs to just be renamed piƱata


Punching Bag can be his alias, and PiƱata is his codename.

Iā€™d love if they told us if itā€™s intentional and we just have to suck it up or can we expect a fix.

I can honestly live with a nerf, even if he didnā€™t deserve it, but the fact that itā€™s a ninja nerf is quite annoying.


oh my GOD. That videoā€¦ I am lost for words with how much the results of each interaction has pissed me off. That is simply unacceptable.

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I only play Rein a few times if weā€™re extremely desperate for a tank, and Iā€™ve noticed how drugged he feels opening his shield

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Maybe he finally decided to say, ā€œ**** itā€ and showed up to work very drunk.


I havenā€™t tested it myself, but if the shield deployment really is this slow now and canā€™t be cancelled by any meansā€¦ ughā€¦

So we canā€™t bait enemy shatters anymore? Canā€™t swing-shield in time of certain character shooting cycles(really helped me vs Reaper, for instance)? Canā€™t even quicksmack someone thinking they can just walk around the shield?

All mindgames rekt.

Sighā€¦ Iā€™ve always said that itā€™s Blizzardā€™s wish to make DPS the only fun and impactful role in the gameā€¦ I hate being validated like this.

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