šŸ›” "What's going on?" - Every Reinhardt Main Ever

Have they given an official response yet?!? :frowning:

So far we donā€™t even know they are aware of the issue. Which is the annoying part. And at this time we will probably have to wait for the next PTR so like 4 weeks till something happens on liveā€¦

No, I have not noticed anything yetā€¦As everyone else has pointed out, we just want acknowledgement, not even ā€œoh these will be fixed next month!ā€

Just a ā€œweā€™re aware and are looking into it. This recent patch gave him more bugs that were not intended.ā€ Or whatever to that affect.

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No way they donā€™t know. Any thread mentioning Rien is talk about the new bugs he has which is making him him less consistent then Junkrat.

Maybe a day or two after it happened it seems ok. Giving them time to see whatā€™s up and why it happened but itā€™s been a week? Crickets.

Truly becoming a push for me to stop playing the game. Itā€™s hard to want to play a game where a good chunk of the heros I like are buggy as hell


All of this just reminds me how bad I feel for other players who play heroes like Bastion or Reaper or Roadhog. Low pick-rates, clearly lacking something, weak kits, etc. The difference is Reinhardt is just plagued with bugs right now, and has been for over 2 years. I am not justifying any of the other hero treatments, but something has to be said to us.


Reinhardt is my favorite hero to play, and it is just horrible now. On top of his already buggy kit, now we have to deal with this. I know it is not the case but it almost seems as if they donā€™t want Reinhardt to function properly.

His abilities at their core were bugged now his animation cancels are bugged/gone. We get hate from support and DPS alike. ā€œPick Orisa sheā€™s better.ā€ Please blizzard hear us and respond. It would mean the world to rein mains to know he is not being ignored just because he has a high pickrate. Popularity =/= functionality.


I have literally enjoyed my last few days of playing Doomfist, Hanzo and the rest of the cast. Popping a Rein game in here or there when necessary.

I myself am numbed by these bugs. I canā€™t remember a time were Rein wasnā€™t bugged in some way, shape, or form.

I can relate to thatā€¦

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Just a friendly bump from a fellow Rein main.


Thereā€™s a reason I go out with co-workers every Friday during lunch for a beer.


Those are always the best times. After dealing with for the lack of a better word ā€œcrapā€ all week.

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I had a boss (best boss ever) who would finish each week at a local pub with a ā€œsafety meeting.ā€ :beers:


I find that both amazing and ironic :laughing:


I have a ā€œsafety meetingā€ with my CEO everyday after work.


We would discuss safety until they brought the first pitcher. It was really more about morale. Mike was amazing!

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The said truth right here.


My hope is that when he gets his fixes, he wonā€™t be nerfed to the ground in the process. All Rein has ever received is an official nerf, and unofficial ones.(aka no <3)

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I see that they didnā€™t respond yet. How sad.

As a customer, Iā€™m beyond frustrated.

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response takes so long in the meantime iā€™ve sat out 3 bans xD.

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