🛡 "What's going on?" - Every Reinhardt Main Ever

I’ll be just fine. I’m still a little salty/bitter, but that’s gradually wearing away over time.

I do love Zarya and a bunch of other heroes, and I typically play healer a ton, so I would still get value out of playing. Just kinda waiting for my bitterness to run out. It is just a game, but it’s a game I care about.

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I keep asking myself why they can’t love the game as much as we do…

They seem to think that they do, but clearly we’re playing two, different games.

They definitely love their game. You can see it in the art and the design, and great voice acting. But their lack of communication on a lot of things unfortunately obscures that and makes it hard for the playerbase to see that love, and makes us skeptical.

I have a massive concept art book for Overwatch and it’s so gorgeous.


Good point. They love their game, but not their playerbase. At least that’s how they make us feel…

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I understand the frustrations completely. We can all relate to that to some degree.

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Can you add the following in your first post, so it may get noticed as well?

I asked Stylosa to make a video and linking this thread here.
Maybe beign a Rein main he will help us get this noticed.


No problem, friend. :slight_smile:

Casual bump, seeing as how the devs are casually flipping us off.

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Pretty sure his earth shatter is even more buggier, 2 games in dorado and I was standing on his animation and visual queue (marks on the floor) in the middle on his shatter and i wasnt affected.

This procceeded to happen again and again during the attack phase and defence phase of dorado and I’ve never felt so bad for a reinhardt player until today. The day where I stood in the middle of his shatter and wasn’t stunned once.

Oh, it is


Here’s a great one

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It’s so, so, so sad to see there is still no communication or acknowledgement on this. What do they want from us? I’m at my ends with this.




I swear the dev team is just AFK, we need to report them


That’s is literally what happened to me on dorado more than once in a game, I message the rein like wtf.

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Bugs? In your Overwatch? It’s more likely than you think. These ten, twenty, actually probably thirty or maybe infinite Reinhardt bugs are getting so annoying. Reinhardt can’t catch a break, but to be honest, balance isn’t exactly the star of this game…

But I’d expect it to at least work properly.

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I can chime in with this as well though. I did a competitive match (lost because playing Reinhardt right now is a burden for your team anyway but I can’t help it 🤷) earlier and I earthshattered 5 times. One hit, one looked like they dodged it, but the other three they were on an open field, two/three enemies in front of me. Clearly inside the animation, no lags, and of course they don’t get knocked down…fun!

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This is probably my personal favorite because he just gives up and stays in a corner

Also, sidenote, but that video is further proof why true Reinhardt mains are awesome. He’s literally blocking an enemy Widowmaker from getting blown up.


lol that’s such a good one. I had one a couple days ago and I just sat there and looked at the enemy team. I really like how he puts up his shield to protect the Widow lol, such a Rein thing to do

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Back when I USED TO PLAY REINHARDT and would play FFA, if there was ever a Mercy, we’d team up and I’d keep her blocked while she murdered people, lol.

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