What would you do to fix Mercy?

Oh, trust me, when you rez a bad player, the only thing you did is extend his spawn timer. The idiocy sometimes…

So are Ana’s and Moira’s to some degree. I’m just trying to follow the pattern that Blizz is doing for the “main healers”

Current mercy

  1. Remove rezz as a cooldown ability on her E.
  2. Put rezz into valk. 2 charges at a 0.7 sec cast.

  1. Increase the healing on your main target during valk (70 HPS main target. 40 HPS allies around target) this will create the situation where she will actually have target priority with her beams.
  2. Give damage boosted valk target a 10% movement buff.
  3. Remove rezz entirely.


  1. Revert mercy back to mass rezz.
  2. Remove invulnerability on mercy.
  3. Cast time 0.7 seconds with line of sight check.
  4. Give mercy a temporary shield or damage reduction during the cast to compensate for standing still during the cast and being fragile. She can still be knocked back during her cast.

  1. Mass rezz becomes a chanelled ability.
  2. Mercy casts rezz for 5 seconds.
  3. Every second, the hero she is directly looking at gets rezzed. (After 1 second cast she rezzes the first target. After another second the 2nd person she looks at, etc …)
  4. Chanelled rezz can be interrupted by enemies.
  5. Chanelled rezz can be interrupted by mercy by pressing the ability again (she loses her ult charge regardless how many people she rezzed)
  6. New E mini valk: Makes mercy crouch and instantly jump up 10m (not sure of heights in this game to be honest)

This allows mercy to chose who she rezzes, how long and how many. She is vulnerable during this time and the new E gives her a little help to make sure her ult isn’t always wasted.


  1. Remove rezz on E.
  2. Give her a new E: temporary shield (50 hp lasts 2 seconds if not broken).
  3. Ultimate: She now casts a halo on a selected target that will prevent them from dying during the next 6 seconds the target hero becomes invulnerable to damage, but as a trade-off receives 20% less healing.
  4. Alternative Halo: For the next 5 seconds if the target hero dies, they will enter a stasis for 0.5 seconds and then return to battle at 300 hp.

This gives mercy an offensive ult similar to ana. This would mean we have 2 defensive ults on off supports (lucio/zen) and two offensive ults for main healers (ana/mercy).
This also allows counterplay by either bursting down the target or CC’ing it.
It allows counterplay by waiting for the halo to end.
It allows teammates to try for hard engages without the fear of dying and having to respawn.
Alternative to a halo (design wise) is a pair of wings.

  1. Remove rezz on E.
  2. Give mercy a new ult: “Angelic intuition” or whatever i cant come up with something constructive. This ability puts mercy into a stasis for 7 seconds. During this time mercy is invulnerable to direct damage but also unable to move or reposition.
  3. During this stasis, mercy can target an ally and press E to pull the target to her. (E only becomes available during ult). Range: 25m. She can pull one ally to herself every 1 second before having to wait another second.

It can get people out of sticky situations. It could be interesting for a team reposition. It could be interesting to get teams around highgrounds or flanks. Could be interesting in some ways. Pull does not work on graviton but works on stunned targets.

She CAN be stunned out of her ult so its important to watch positioning for herself and the enemy needs to be aware that she can pull an ally to herself if they dive her for a stun.
I don’t know, just a random idea i just came up with and found interesting.

Also you cannot pull the same person twice.
Also also LOS check for this one!!
Also also also mercys healing beam range is decreased from 15m to 10m so she can still heal but only if you are close enough to her stasis. This way she doesn’t completely give up on healing yet has to find a good place to use it or can pull an ally to her heal them up.

dps player can press F (interact button) to get pulled to mercy (the alternative for trolls)


But if some are suggesting single resurrect with Valkyrie don’t you think single resurrect by itself as an ultimate would be extremely weak?

I guess the point is you would bubble a bad player so you get energy but you wouldn’t Res a bad player. Zarya benefits from bubbling a bad player. Mercy gains nothing from Resurrecting a bad player so that player wouldn’t get a Res.

No matter what reversing death is a terrible design to me.

He has a point. Nano and Coal aren’t something to write home about either. Still, it would be sad. I rather like Valk as it currently is.

Which is why I suggested that her GA hop be integrated into her E somehow (Vertical leap). More mobility options.

I like this one the most (3

This has potential to be, by far, one of the worst ults in game. :expressionless:

that was unexpected xd

Potential? That’s straight up total garbage.

It has a lot of work to do to beat out McCree’s glowing reload or Doomfist’s Ultimate that only is used for escape.

nerf her mobility…she has waaaay too much as is and it also addresses everything else about her kit as well…makes resses harder…healing harder in general (if in fact the main problem with her is that shes too easy as ive seen countless times on here)

i dont subscribe to the whole “unfun” thing with her as its extremely subjective…personally i enjoy her as is…so its weird for me to say more nerfs…but A) i think res should be there…and that its fine as a regular ability and B) her extreme mobility is something that hasnt ever really been touched and think its a major reason why shes such a strong pick…

and i sure as heck dont think they should ever bring back mass res

Gotta say it is pretty refreshing to see a Mercy thread focusing on different changes, not the same old Mercy.

Judging by McCree icon, this comes from experience :stuck_out_tongue:

<3 Yeah, well most of the threads are getting unexpectingly 404ed without reason. Cba, to pour in more feedback and then let it get deleted with a click of a button.

I’d say it’s on the level of Deadeye, minus cool voiceline. And hey, at least DF can escape with it.

Here’s my fix suggestion

Give Mercy an ultimate that gives her 600HP burst heals. Max target: 5. Radius: 15. LoS required. 2 second cast time. Excess health becomes temporary nanoshields (decay’s extremely quickly, similar to Lucio’s ultimate shields).

The reason could be spam or because most of them turn into crap throwing contests and insults meaning they have to be either locked or removed.

That would definitely fit “Heroes Never Die!”…

Unlike Valkyrie.

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