“Delete Resurrect” is only a troll answer because it’s an opinion you refuse to accept.
I don’t like an ability that removes a death. If you die you should remain dead and be forced to respawn. I do not like crutch abilities for poor play.
Using your own logic I believe making Resurrect her ultimate is a troll answer.
Hmm I dunno. Changing rez would most likely involve the implementation of a resource meter (which the devs have said they are trying to avoid IIRC), or tying it into Valkyrie some way and removing it from E. Both I don’t really see being done anytime soon. It would appear the devs are happy with the current cast time rez on E.
Will have to see how these healer changes effect things. I mean season 9 Moira was the dominant healer of the ladder with Mercy having her cast time rez. The strength of Hanzo and this meta that gives Widows a ton of breathing room makes Mercy damage boost and rez very valuable.
Should’ve made this clear but I want you guys to suggest what can be added to Mercy or changed to make her balanced. I do not want to hear suggestions of removing something because imo, it’s not really constructive feedback.
What about ability that prevents death though, like Zarya’s bubble? This chain of logic can be extended endlessly. What abilities are and what aren’t crutches?
Inb4 “most of them are and that’s what defines OW”
The problem to be resolved is “fixing Mercy”, not ressurect. That’s how i would fix her, a completely different version without a Ressurect ability. I did not avoid anything.
Honestly it’s almost like I didn’t quote that part.
Here is the thing though. You bubble a bad player you can prevent them from getting killed for a short time but if you are still playing bad they are still going to die.
Reaper can wraith away but that doesn’t mean he still wont die.
What does flashbang have to do with this at all? His tool is used to punish bad flankers who get hit by it. Sadly it’s not much of a punishment when Resurrect is a thing.
I was trying to find a happy medium between rez every 30 seconds and it not being insufferable to use for the player. Rezzing a key target can still be strong, especially if she’s given more mobility options.