Well sleeps can be stopped but it takes half a second so at its least it’s 0.5 stun
I can agree with that, but its not instant is the reason I don’t call it a stun is all.
ofc, im just using semantics cause im amazing lul, but serriously, mercy would need to be nerfed incredibly to be put in line. across her entire kit, its clear nerfing just resurrect or just valkyrie wont do anything
Give her only a staff
Why not push the idea a bit harder.
Why not the ability to make someone immortal (so stay at 1hp) for 2 sec ?
It would be immune to CC and death a short period of time.
That can bring some new play and able some char to come back like Genji or Reaper who wouldn’t be insta cc+kill but still OS at the end of invul (no heal possible before the end of invul)
What do you think ?
I guess you could be right, but is the game ready for healing to not be as strong? ALOT would change optimal positioning, strategies etc etc
changing the overall survivability of the game chages the entire pace of the game
Look at og triple tank. team fights used to take 2 minutes minimum, because of how strong healing was.
yes, nerfing mercy would lower ttk insanely, much like how if zens damage capabilities got nerfed ttk would raise insanely. Any change has indirect consequences or effects.
Just like a rez behind enemy lines,”it just prolongs my death”
mercy is a reason the snipers are incredibly meta, and they are a reason mercy is incredibly meta as well, since resurrect is the best thing to counter a sniper besides shields, also damage boost on a sniper is insane. Its basically a symbiotic relationship
frankly i cant forsee the game going in a healthy manner no matter what they do to mercy. They would need to rebalance probably the entire game.
Maybe like smite Kali ultimate it give you small amount of health back,like 50 or so you don’t die from a bullet shot from dva 30 meters away
Not really, the rez erase a mistake and does not initiate something.
This would be able to make some interesting play in a risky situation and get some value before dying (cuz after 2 sec it would probably die with 1hp)
2 sec is very short and it’s not like a rez who bring back some one definitly. He just a skill who able to get ride of CC-death combo for a short period.
Well, it can be OP to, dunno, that just a simple idea after all.
all i know is, do not give mercy an anti cc ability, please, that would just make her the best support forever. Much like how ana should never, ever be able to give damage reduction on her grenade(ive actually seen someone say this in a diff thread)
I eman the fact you can’t heal someone who at one hp fighting someone is kinda scary.maybe do it if you suspect they take a lot of damage but make it so you can heal them or receive the effects as well.its 30 seconds after all
Yeah that was the point.
If a reaper want to ult but they’r to many CC, you can combo it like you combo a nano.
Maybe yeah, able to heal the target, but that seam a bit OP no ?
30sec if for the actual rez, I don’t think this CD should stay for any skill who replace, it should be tweak at a correct value.
I’ll bring Satan into example.her ability to watch her enemies freeze as she heals over half her health and is invulnerable for 5 seconds has a 12 sec Cooldown so adding something to the death defying half minute save is not wrong
all i can say is if reaper had the ability to be cc immune during ultimate thatd be insane
It really would be die die die
So it would make more sense anyways since her voice line is heroes never die but they just died
Why ? We still have shield and Boop (Y i don’t think we need counter to boop).
Atm it’s almost impossible to use it if the enemy team have a minimal awareness with all the CC n the game.
But like I said, just an idea, I don’t pretend to have THE idea ^^
I just take the CC cleanse/immune idea and push it a bit.