What would you do to fix Mercy?

Is that really what we want? For her to be meta?

Counter play can be the same as Zen.
Put pressure on her and force them to ult or she die and let his team w/o heal-ult.

I mean, it’s not a problem for Zen, why it would be one for Mercy then ?

I honestly don’t know. I don’t have a problem with counterplay to Resurrect.

I don’t think she would be meta with this though, she would be situational, like everyone else, because her utility becomes beating stuns hacks etc. etc. which is a situational thing

a counter to resurrect i just thought of, what about an ultimate that if it kills anyone, that person cant be revived. It does damage but also anti resurrect, boom a mercy counter that doesnt screw the other supports

But stuns and what not are literally what defines the majority of heroes. It wouldn’t be situational.

Yea if she can activate on self Rez I should no problem .speaking of rez I think it should be a mini lucio barriers like when activated 200 shield given but hp of it decays like that but to even it out make it 2 seconds so she has a higher window of taking damage but lose like 1 shield every millesecond +people attack you makes it more attemptable

Ive seen a lot of resurrect ideas over the 2 years, one i did like a while ago when it was 5 man rez was the resurrect is just temporary and after 5-10ss anyone resurrected dies

not really, McCree and doomfist are the only attack heros with stuns. sombra has hack, and mei has freeze.

cc is what defines a lot of the attack heroes, not just stuns. Youd be surprised what counts as cc.

I think the issue with that is it just becomes a delayed respawn. It would be trolling your own team

yeah just realised but heroes like mccree will always be the go to attack hero in team comps.

it would be a way to win a fight maybe, it would be incredibly powerful on second point

Satan’s frostbite is basically a stun since you can literally can’t do anything,like a stun

It’s a crowd control ability i think.

it is, but it is basically a stun yes

Well I can already told you isn’t as good as you think.
Fight on a point, ppl get rez, run away, they die, come back, free cap.

You would need a way longer timer to make it efficient.

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Sleep, charge, hook, as well as freeze are basically long af stuns. Hack is what a cripple in other games

I guess, but it would be so situational, it would almost be useless. the point is to bring her in line, not make her weak. As someone who wants to see other healers, I still don’t want mercy to be useless ya know?

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you have to make mercy weak to bring her in line. I dont want mercy to be useless but i know she requires massive nerfs across her entire kit to get kicked down off the throne

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