What would you do to fix Mercy?

How to fix Mercy

remove 30 sec rez
can only rez during ult
ult now only lasts for 4 seconds
rez is instant and unlimited during ult

How many resses and is the ultimate still Valkyrie?

Resurrect: removed
New “E” ability: Blessing
Blessing: Mercy casts a blessing on a teammate, same animation as insta-rez. Blessing is active on a teammate for 3s. During the duration of Blessing, if said teammate dies, they get instantly resurrected. Moderate CD of 15s (IDK what a good CD for that is, maybe even 20s, would need testing).

comment: This ability would still keep the core idea of Mercy being able to resurrect. It’ll make Mercy more proactive to play, rewarding high gamesense. It’ll also help balance rez to be more fair for a “skillshot” as Mercy has to anticipate it now instead of being able to react to it after it happened.


  • chain healing removed
  • primary fire healing increased to 90hp/s during the duration of Valkyre, secondary fire damageboost 35%
  • Valkyre now resets the CD of Blessing
  • Blessing is on a 7s CD during Valkyre (kinda works like rez in the first iteration of Valk)
  • infinte ammo removed
  • pistol damage increased by 30%

Removing the chain healing will give Mercy her weakness back: being a single target healer only. It’ll also make Valkyre more engaging for the Mercy player as they have to actively prioritize their healing target.
Removing the infinite ammo will decrease the incetive to play attack helicopter. A short burst of more damage will help Mercy kill a low target faster and get back to healing her team.
Reducing the CD of blessing will allow Mercy to keep her team up during a strong push from the enemy team. It’ll also make Valkyre a multitasking ult.

I don’t see how delete resurrect is a “troll answer”, the community wanted a different ult and blizzard complied but then, for some unknown reason, decided to also give her a new ability alongside her already-existing ability’s that is a smaller rez. Just remove the E ability and she will be fine, there was no reason to add it in the first place.


It’s literally the only problem there is with her. Resurrection should be a special ability that feels special and fair to both players. I’d honestly rather see it as an Alternate-Ultimate like Symmetra’s Shield Generator or Teleporter than deleted but I don’t think it’s a problem the game designers are taking seriously enough to do anything about.

Changed it <3


Put Resurrect back on Q with LoS changes and a reduced radius.

Put Valkyrie to E with big nerfs to make it work as an E ability.

She’d be balanced and more engaging and fun to play.


How about getting rid of Resurrect and giving her an ultimate that steals 25% of the entire enemy team’s heal and double it to 50% health and give to her teammates in a 15m radius in the form of burst heals.

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Because that doesn’t fit her character at all and would be extremely difficult to incorporate?

You can’t just slap some random thing on a hero and go “that works”.

Tru… I’m super dumb so super sowy. I’m speak dyslexia.

This is copied from myself from a different thread

"This is, very simple.
Anyone who says Mercy didn’t need those nerfs isn’t paying attention to the overall health of the game.
She probably needs more, but we’ll see after the healing nerf goes through.

Mercy is:

  1. the most mobile MAIN healer,
  2. the 2nd most mobile (overall) healer,
  3. the only MAIN healer who can damage boost (without an ultimate),
  4. the 2nd healer (overall) who can damage boost (without an ultimate),
  5. the only MAIN healer who can heal through barriers,
  6. the 2nd healer (overall) who can heal through barriers (Zen/Mercy only apparently)
  7. the only MAIN healer who doesn’t have to deal with ammo or a resource bar,
  8. the only Main/Overall healer with a Resurrect.

She has, too much.
That’s the only problem.

It’s not tempo-resurrect itself.
It’s the fact that tempo-resurrect amplified everything else.
Valkyrie is also extremely powerful.

“She’s really easy to kill”
So that’s why OWL teams struggled to kill a Valkyrie Mercy of relatively equal skill? Got it.

Damage Boost is extremely powerful on it’s own because NOT ONLY does it boost your damage, it results in more ultimate-charge per tick (due to the increased damage per tick). Therefore, a Valkyrie Mercy is extremely powerful using Damage Boost because she buffs her entire team’s ultimate charge gain.

Off-Healers should have utility and bonuses.
Main Healers should have superior healing and minor buffs.

The fact that Mercy has both is an issue because she outclasses everything else on her own."

What I believe could be changed:

  1. Remove Damage Boost outright from Mercy’s kit.
  2. Remove Damage Boost stacking with other sources (except Nano-Boost).
  3. Increase Guardian Angel’s Cooldown slightly.
  4. Increase the number of ‘ticks’ per second for her healing (if possible), so that she heals the same amount per second- but must keep it attached instead of swapping targets rapidly (this is very niche).

Desperately desired
Make Mercy’s Wings a part of her hitbox when in Guardian Angel and/or in Valkyrie.

To fix Mercy we must all agree that rez as a 30 second cooldown is not a good thing. Then we work from there.

Justin sound’s like a douche. Just ignore him :smiley:

Nobody wants to hear single target rez on Q, saying that’s too underwhelming of an ult. But that’s how to balance it. Single target rez on Q, with an appropriately reduced ult charge relative to big rez. That IMO would make rez balanced. And once you balance rez you’ve balanced Mercy.

Has potential to succeed but also has the chance to ruin her significantly.

I wanna make a short point as to why I HATE valk.

Every healer has a variety of skills and abilities (speed, discord, sleep, healing, cc, etc)

Mercy’s main kit revolves around Healing and damage boost. And then you get your ult … exciting right? … The only thing it does it makes you heal and damage boost MORE. Like I need some variety and spice here, something exciting worth using not more of the same crabcake :frowning:


Worddd, Glorified spectator mode literally makes my braincells recede every time i use the ultimate.

I mean i spend the entire match healing and damage boosting just to fill my ult meter that allows me to do MORE OF THE SAME! Not exciting at all

My proposition:

1- Return Rez to her Ultimate. It’s now capped at 3 players (based on proximity), and has LOS checks. Mercy is not invulnerable during the Rez animation (takes 1.5 seconds), but she does have 33% damage resist. As recompense for old Mass Rez, somewhat reduce the Ult charge cost. Ideally, this would fix the “die on point” problem where Mercy player would use Mass Rez as a proactive rather than reactive strategy, reduce the overall power of the ability, and allay any concerns about Hide-N-Rez since there’s less value to waiting out an engagement.

2- Move Valkyrie to an E ability. Lasts 7 seconds, cooldown on 15 seconds. She has her older movement speed back, flight, and chain healing. Chained targets received half the benefit that the primary target does.

You could also do stuff with GA and Damage Boost, but I think that could wait until later. Tackle the real problem first

Love your idea. Valkyrie could be a litter shorter though. Let’s not forget that it isn’t on a static CD now and shouldn’t really be that long.