The example you have givem suggests something else.
Except this is a game we are talking about and even the developers seem to think that they can balance Resurrect.
The example you have givem suggests something else.
Except this is a game we are talking about and even the developers seem to think that they can balance Resurrect.
My metaphor still holds strong in this scenario.
The example you gave suggests that you only have a problem with getting picks reverted which then makes me think that you have an issue with current, solo res Mercy. Anyway, think this has gone on for far too long. Do suggest any rework ideas or modifications of old versions of Mercy. Otherwise just sit back and read the fantastic suggestions that have already been made in this post.
Change Rez from Single Target Rez to AOE Rez
Cast Range 5m->4m
Holding Ability button past the complete cast time 1.75 extends the AOE 2m every second held. AOE Max is 12m.
Just throwing ideas. Think this would be neat and give Mercy more power play in Deathball
Many mercy players still used the ult to rez 1 or 2 people with mass rez anyways… so it is still a problem.
But if you wish to stop this argument then so be it,(even tho I have a lot of already used arguments on these forums that are yet to be countered,it would be a shame if they go to waste,well its time to find another rez lover to make an argument with.)
Extremely weird hobby…
E – staff over charge – staff now given chain healing for 5s on 20s cooldown
Q - Valkyrie – now only lasts 10s E changes to Res once cast
But always thought its best not to really go after mercy but give other heroes the option to counter.
Let moira see the old reaper souls and consume them with biotic gasp each soul has 100hp (2s to remove)
Let bionade corrupt the soul increasing the Res time required leaving mercy more vulnerable
If it does not already hack should stop a mercy mid rez.
my big issue with chain healing on mercy is that she is not supposed to be an aoe healer, it’s removing one of her weaknesses. I think, instead of chain heals, she should get an overcharge that allows her to heal for more on a single target.
Ah, Jelly’s seal of approval!
Anywho, a cast time would indeed encourage tempo rezzing, whilst still being earnable - no more negating picks in the first seconds of a match! Hooray!
a lot of the support ults fill in gaps. Just… Usually off-healer ones. Zen and Lucio have AoE burst “healing” (shields in lucio’s case), for instance
Nobody cares about what you have to say in your passive aggressive arguments. Have something to say about Mercy? If not, kindly leave this thread. Emphasise on the word, ”leave”.
And hours of ignoring you as well. Your whole debate was over long ago. You decides to bring it up again. The only people who do that are those who look to start ”beef” with people.
Did you even read what the thread is about before replying to anything? Clearly not if you think this thread is for discussing everything Mercy. Let me quote it again and make myself clear for the nineteenth time.
Also, stop replying if you have nothing constructive to suggest…
except Mercy is already strong in every area, aoe healing was her only real weakness and they patched that with valk.
So I think Blizzard often mistakes “underpowered” as just a low pickrate. She is honestly fine, always was to be honest, but because she had such a low pickrate (because of low damage output) she all of a sudden “needed buffs”.
I think this is the issue with every hero to be perfectly honest, Blizzard should really listen to the community more often and not seem to just go off of pickrate. We know Mercy needs changes because as long as she has her res on an E ability, she will always be picked over other healers. To prove this even more, would you pick Mercy as a healer if she didn’t have res on her E ability and didn’t have a replacement for it? Most likely not, because she does not have anything to actually contribute if she doesn’t have res.
We aren’t going to, we want our hero to be fun just as much as anyone does. We hate seeing our favorite hero being constantly abused because of the bullsh*t overpowered E ability she has. So seriously, stop with this, we want to enjoy this game after 11 nerfs to our favorite hero
Although a lot of mercy mains wouldn’t like to hear it, I’d just make her more difficult to play. Part of the reason she’s so useful outside of the rework is because of her survivability power creep.
So I’d do the following
What this would do is force Mercy’s to stay closer to their team mates to heal them so you can’t hide in the alley in Eichenwald, or the back rooms of anubis and stay out of immediate danger while you heal. The nerfs to GA would also punish her more for improperly positioning herself, or being caught out from her team.
Currently there’s no real way to do that unless you can deal high enough burst damage at range and can hit a flying stick hitbox in the head before it gets to safety.
If it’s not enough I’d reduce her healing per second passive, down a bit if necessary. I think she’s pretty close to being balanced despite everything.
I mean, yeah, that’s correct
I honestly think this is just a flat out nerf and won’t change her skill ceiling that much. It’d just make her less of a must pick.
Weird they went with that path though considering the fact that she was unique and known for her solo target heals. Not AoE heals.
The beam shortening thing absolutely would since you’d have to be more aware of your surroundings, would force you to play closer to the central team, and there would be less of a buffer if things went south.
The GA nerf here would just prevent her from escaping harm as easily if you don’t have pro snipers or McCree’s on hand.
The biggest problem I see with her is her ability to move as fast as your fastest unit, even faster in some cases, which means you simply cannot punish her her adequately, like you could to most healers.
Outside of what Blizzard is doing, I’m not sure what else you could do to keep her effectiveness here without completely gutting her.
I like what the devs have been doing so far and am anticipating the support changes on the ptr.
This would be good for an AoE healer like Moira, but Mercy is a solo target healer.
Honestly think her GA is fine.
To compensate for her lacklustre damage potential, she has high mobility otherwise she’d always die in team fights.