What would you do to fix Mercy?

Mercy needs to clearly be reworked again. Rez is just to powerful as an ability and should’ve remained her Ultimate but by adding tweaks to it you can make it more solid to land. By adding a Line of Sight to the players you wanna rez your just making it so she can’t be hidden behind something or under something to pull of the rez. Also by giving them say half their health back rather than full health could also help it.

Mercy needs an ability worth while. I think maybe something like Leap of Faith where she the ally she is tethered to with her healing beam could be pulled out of the combat zone so she can heal them and give them say a 3 second speed boost so they can be healed and go back into the fight.

Similar idea but mine makes her stand still, guess we both love priests :^)

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that’s a bad idea, it would make for a lot of trolls on a level worse than mei.

Cut rez, sub with Kharazim’s Divine Palm but modified to work better in OW

Maybe remove damage boost if Palm is still too much utility

I would make Resurrect her ult again, but with one of two changes:

Choice 1: It’s an instant solorez with invunerability and the same charge cost as Valkyrie (so it’ll take longer to get than her previous rez, which I felt was the biggest problem).

Choice 2: The mass rez returns, but there’s a 1 second channel time for each hero Mercy attempts to rez. This make a 5-man Rez attempt suicide. It should also take a Graviton Surge amount of ult charge to cast it so it’ll take half a game to build up.

Rez on a cooldown isn’t working, plain and simple. It’s been almost a year and nearly a dozen nerfs and Blizzard still can’t balance Rez on cooldown. Probably because it can’t be balanced.

I think shes perfect the way she is.

I know you listed “delete Resurrect” as a “troll answer,” but at this point I’m willing to stand by my claim that it is really the best way to go about it.

I didn’t even see that it was listed as a troll response. It was my genuine suggestion, lol.

Which is why I made this thread, because she’s absolutely fine! God, the common sense on these forums are appalling.

Revert and turn the existing Valkiyrie ability into a watered down E escape ability. After all before Mercy was reworked the first time an E ability was what they really wanted.

This is not a troll answer,but just removing rez and giving her a burst healing ability instead would make her much healthier for the meta,not a must pick,not OP,still strong and a good main healer.

It’s more of an avoiding the problem kind of fix which I honestly cba to hear. Also, The video asks for rework suggestions. Either suggest something new or go home…

the problem that rez bring with it cannot be solved,it is just impossible to balance and will always stay too strong.

Okay, then comes the sad reality. It can be balanced in a game like Overwatch. The developers think so themselves hence the stuff Jeff said in that quote to VentureBeat. Scroll up and you’ll find the link.

it seems that I cannot find VentureBeat’s post,but anyways having only 1 ability in the entire game that can effect dead players is not a good thing.

How so? Overwatch has a wide range of Ultimates that don’t make sense.

Ive honestly come up with the perfect solution here:

FIrst of all,all abilities in the game except rez can either do something bad to alive enemy players or do something good to alive friendly players,all except rez,which already favors mercy.

a 2nd problem is that in overwatch is centered so much around teamfights,and winning them using 5v6 advantages (the team that kills first is usually the one to win) and 5v6ing is like the only way to play 2CP,and one of the reason why dive is so strong,which just automatically makes Mercy better,as she is the only one who can revert that sort of 5v6 advantage.

also,what do you mean by:

What does “don’t make sense” mean in this context,and what does it have to do with the unfair advantage that Mercy has on all other supports,aka rez.

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Which is exactly why it is extremely dangerous to turn a fantastic ultimate into a common ability. You don’t have a problem with the Resurrect mechanic but rather the idea that current Mercy has it on a static cooldown in which case, my point stands. Resurrect can be balanced as an earnable ability.

Other ultimate similarly don’t sound balanced for an FPS game like Overwatch but are in the game nonetheless. This goes to show that Resurrect isn’t your generic FPS game which then means that Resurrect can have a place in it.

I do actually have a problem with it as a whole,the entire idea just does not fit with the game,as I have explained in my last post,the one that you have just agreed with but you think that putting on an ult just makes the problem with it disappear.

I will assume that you have meant to type “overwatch” instead of “Resurrect” in the 6th word in your sentence,but anyways killing a human on mars does not make it better,just because mars isn’t your generic self sustaining planet.

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