I’d like her E to be a launch like in this gif, but maybe not as high because she already has GA.
EDIT: Another video:
I’d like her E to be a launch like in this gif, but maybe not as high because she already has GA.
EDIT: Another video:
Pretty long animation for a simple jump :>
(Y I know, the exit is this way…)
Decrease her holster delay by half at least so she can shoot immediately after switching when required, taking inspiration from TF2 Medic I would do the following changes in her healing.
While the healing target has taken damage in the past 10 seconds, her HPS begins at 30, after 10 seconds of the target not taking damage the rate will increase to a maximum of 70 over 5 seconds (as long as the target is not taking any damage.)
Damage boost can stay the same, if anything I guess it can no longer boost ultimate abilities just for the sake of consistency, alternatively move it to an ability button with some changes (which would also change her secondary fire as well, details below, but nobody wants that.)
Resurrect is no longer an ability, instead it will be part of Valkyrie, which upon activation gets 1 rez charge, resurrect will retain all current limitations, still, with Valkyrie’s regen she can endure a little more if she decides to rez in the middle of a fight.
Her passive regen would be nerfed, either by cutting its rate in half OR increasing the activation delay to 2-3 seconds, falling in line with heroes who have shields like Zenyatta or Symmetra.
So this leaves us with E available again, MY personal suggestion would be to assign her secondary fire to her pistol (she still stops healing if she uses it) which allows her to finish off or contribute to the fight in case of emergencies, Damage Boost would move to E, while healing a target she can activate the ability, it lasts for a while even while disconnected from the healing beam and it goes on cooldown (probably a short one, like Brigitte’s repair pack), as I mentioned before, people want me dead every time I suggest this change.
Resurrection should not be a “normal” ability. It must be tied to ultimate. Specifically:
During Valkyrie, Mercy can target dead team mates with her healing beam. If she does so for 4 seconds, the target gets resurrected.
This would allow her to resurrect up to 4 team mates during Valkyrie, obviously at the cost of not dispensing healing/damage boost to anyone else meanwhile.
I like the idea, just one question, what happens to respawn timers?
That sums it up so have a nice read.
Given the fact that the best course of action would be to go back to Mass Resurrect, the change should be pretty easy, assuming the devs know their way around their Version Control System of choice.
Except, nobody asked for her to be viable in pro play. People wanted an E ability.
Hence, a failed rework.
Sometimes, swallowing one’s pride is the right thing to do.
I should know. I’ve had to revert changes to software I wrote because it didn’t work out. Better scrap a failed idea and restart from scratch, than spending god knows how much time trying to make something work, only to realize it was doomed to fail from the get-go.
I am against mass rez, single rez ultimate sounds better.
Because all the mass-killing ults are fine, right?
I dont even play Mercy and these Mercy witchhunt responses crack me up.
"She can negate my 1-3 seconds of hard work (sometimes luck)
Kill them again. Shoot the Mercy while she is rezzing…
“I can’t catch her. She is so darn fast. Nerf GA so she is easy to kill”
Nobody can catch Genji, Tracer Sombra or Doomfist reliably either so…
“She does too darn much healing”
Uhm Ana and Moira heal more than Mercy does if played correctly. You know that option for “healing” orb on Moira… use it… know that aiming stuff at your own team heals them instead of trying to be a one man army on Ana?
“Her ult is too darn good” she doesnt chase you down with piles of armor and best your face in while Aoae healing. She doesnt have a Kamehameha that negates barriers, makes her faster and plucks Pharah out of the sky. She doesnt have the ability to negate some of the strongest DPS ult combos in the game.
“I can’t hit her in Valkyrie. She is so small!” Hello hitscan fall off buffs. Her regen doesnt keep up with a good soldier of McCree anymore.
If you think it’s easy to play Mercy, go get chased around by flankers for a while. Poke your head out and get it Widowed off
Get mugged by a surprise Doomfist because he used a rollout bug across 3 rooftops and landed a SS on an unsuspecting team for 175 damage than cleaned up with his “bad kit”
Get chased down by a nano boosted Rein or Genji, since that ult doesnt do anything since it’s not the Beyblade meta…
Everyone gets on Mercy players for defending what they have, but nobody gets on the “buff my hero because of reasons” players
Let’s go to a middle ground, rez charges, what about that?
Single rez as an ultimate will never be a thing. It would be the most lacklustre ultimate in the game…
Didn’t we basically have that with 2x Rez in Valk?
Valk was nice when it was like that. The problem was the rez/double rez on the E ability.
They should have keep valk double rez instant (it’s an ult) and remove the ability for something else.
That could be a good start and rez would be earned like each ultimate.
The problem is, that’d make Valk all about Rez, and the Overwatch team explicitly stated that they did not want this.
What if we gave her back mass rez and invulnerability, added LOS and when she rez’s, the team comes back at 50% health?
The issue I see is that mass rezz was NEVER meta or OP but we want to revert to a watered down tripple nerfed mass rezz how is this even logical XD
This just comes to show how much people hate the current version
Like I said in another topic :
new e : empowered (increase by 30% damages done by your target for 5 sec, 8 sec cooldown)
Shift : no change
Lmb : no change
Rmb : pistol
Ult : resurection
No. Mercy needs to die if she gets reckless. Those 1v5 or 1v6 rezzes shouldn’t be happening on a regular basis. Also, that 50% health makes Rez near useless, as anyone will be able to one-clip Tracer.
Mass Resurrect without invulnerability, with LoS, and the Bunny Hop on GA is the best way to go IMO. If we really need cast time, then a 50% damage reduction is a must. Maybe regenerate Mercy’s health during cast, idk.
Potential fixes at this point for me would be:
A) Mass Rez returning with needed tweaks
B) Another rework featuring a heavily altered Valk or new ultimate as a whole.