What would you do to fix Mercy?

New E:

  • Removes any and all status ailments from the target
    (optional) grants target immunity to said status ailments for 2 seconds
  • 10 second cooldown

So like, a washed down version of Zarya’s bubble?

For me using the mouse wheel is wrong… e = dmg boost target for 5 sec, 8 sec cd, lmb healing, rmb pistol.

She would be so much more dynamic this way…

What about packet loss? I already suffer massively with GA configured as “hold to use”
Sometimes I don’t even get to fly two feet.

Sort of, except it doesn’t keep you from taking damage

Posted this in anothet post:

Change her healing staff thingy method… make it have it’s own ability with limited amount of healing that needs to recharge “cool down” to heal again…

For example she can heal for 60 hp/s for a limited amount of time but she has a new ability that makes her staff go even higher on healing maybe 80/s idk just tossing numbers but there’s a catch when you go into that mode you overheat your staff faster draining the energy in it thus have to recharge faster.

It would open more decision making on when to heal and which target to use that mode on and also has it’s own draw back with a recharge on healing.

Probs would make Mercy more enjoyable to play tbh.

Ohh she can also have a voice line when the staff over heats like her hands burn or something so enemy team would have an idea on when her healing is at it’s limits.

Debuffs and roots are not long enough to be that useful (outside of few ultimate)

And then people will whine because « she uses a simple ability on cooldown to deny my hardly earned ultimate !!! »

I was more thinking along the lines of cancelling Ana’s anti-heal and Zen’s orb. Wasn’t really about the root from Junkrat’s trap or Grav. Do you happen to know verbiage that would exclude Grav and Junkrat’s Steel Trap, but include things like Discord Orb and Anti-'Nade?

Forget she ever existed in this game. Until she is deleted she will always be the focus of the “Witch Hunt”. /s

It’s been said many times how to fix our guardian, but they think the rework is a success. Until the teams pull their fingers out of their ears and take off the blindfolds we will be 15 nerfs in with no progress.

The closest would be debuff, but then, it is this new ability that would be too niche, only against Ana and zen, there are no other « debuff » in the game :frowning:

(As primarily described, it would also cleanse eartshatter, mei freezes, grave, junktrap and maybe other I forget)

Mercy’s all about being niche (or, that’s how she used to be)

Also, what’s preventing Blizzard from adding more debuffs in the future?

Freeze (primary) is good. Though that’d make it inconsistent, as Mei’s ult would still freeze.

Absolutely nothing :slight_smile:

But she won’t be niche then, the more there would be debuff heroes in game, the more she would be again a must pick :wink:

Edit : hack is a debuff, so it would be a nerf to Sombra lol

I think people came to the same conclusion about a year ago, when we had similar discussions about an E for Mercy. Cleanse sounds nice on paper, but when you actually start thinking about it, it quickly falls apart.

never instant rez ever again please. way too much value for way too little effort.

I like the charged rez idea, maybe something along the lines of once you fully charge your ult, you can charge it some more, and once you hit 100% again you can rez 2x people and so on.

I honestly think the flat healing reduction coming up is a great start & possibly just leave it at that.
Because that gives room for Winston alot more kill potential when hes diving their supports/Dps.

The question you need to be asked is, Should a Winston really out-damage an ultimate?

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Winston does damage not heal. Also i didn’t mention ultimate’s I just stated that i think mercy will be closer to balanced now for said reason.

well, blizzard have only done it once and with mei, i doubt theyll ever do it again, and no, stop using ‘failed rework’ as the term. How about a rework that did its job too well, a greater than it shouldve been rework.

With Resurrect on E, she will never be near balanced.