⚠️What would you change about symmetra?

Exactly, just because she’s not a meta hero doesn’t mean she needs a buff. Soldier is not a meta hero, doesn’t mean he needs a buff.

even if she was meta she would still need a buff.

We shouldn’t make her a solo playable hero?

She should just be a not trash hero?

Also I dominated with sym 2.0, doesn’t mean she was good. Just in the same way that me dominating with sym 3.0 doesn’t make her good

Anything can work


The whole conversation was completely on the spot, only thing we knew were the questions, so it was a really honest discussion and was really fun

I can’t thank aria enough really

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Except he needs one. Name one thing Soldier does that Hanzo doesn’t do better.
This “not meta” excuse is almost always wrong when the character is on the bottom list of the pick rates. Soldier is making Symmetra company at the bottom of the GM pick rates.

Soldier is hitscan. Hanzo is not.

I cant thank all of you enough for making symmetra get more attention. :heart:

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When has she ever been meta?

I mean ppl could have used this argument for sym 1.0.

Hanzo’s Storm Arrows are extremely fast projectiles. They are basically hitscan with more generous hitboxes. Even Hanzo’s default arrow is fast.

There’s a reason why Hanzo counters Pharah now.

Less damage, non-explosive balls, slower balls generation

I would revert her beam back to normal

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*Charge time on primary fire reduction to 1 second per tier.
*Old photon barrier (the oval moving thing) addition as alternative to teleporter on her E with shared recharge
*E recharge increase to 20s
*Teleporter uptime increase to 20s
*Maybe a slight orb charge-up time nerf if the above is too much of a buff

Those changes together should give her back her old capability to fight at close range, given a teleporter that lasts long enough to get her out, a barrier to help her out in situations where a teleporter wouldn’t work, and a primary fire that actually out-damages her secondary fire.

Honestly Sym is in a good place, except for the charge rate on her beam, it needs to be turned down a little bit more. I know it was just buffed but maybe whatever it is on now is a little too low.

Has Torb ever been meta???

Nope, and that’s also an issue

If we’re talking cosmetics, then…

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That teleporter time is to high, id say at make 12 seconds. and increase the tier charge to a least 1.5 seconds.

Change her back to 2.0

I don’t understand why every hero needs to be meta. The game has way bigger problems.

I really want them to make a pose or highlight intro featuring her weapon, I wanna show off my pride for getting her golden gun.

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