⚠️What would you change about symmetra?

I would revert her beam back to normal

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*Charge time on primary fire reduction to 1 second per tier.
*Old photon barrier (the oval moving thing) addition as alternative to teleporter on her E with shared recharge
*E recharge increase to 20s
*Teleporter uptime increase to 20s
*Maybe a slight orb charge-up time nerf if the above is too much of a buff

Those changes together should give her back her old capability to fight at close range, given a teleporter that lasts long enough to get her out, a barrier to help her out in situations where a teleporter wouldn’t work, and a primary fire that actually out-damages her secondary fire.

Honestly Sym is in a good place, except for the charge rate on her beam, it needs to be turned down a little bit more. I know it was just buffed but maybe whatever it is on now is a little too low.

Has Torb ever been meta???

Nope, and that’s also an issue

If we’re talking cosmetics, then…

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That teleporter time is to high, id say at make 12 seconds. and increase the tier charge to a least 1.5 seconds.

Change her back to 2.0

I don’t understand why every hero needs to be meta. The game has way bigger problems.

I really want them to make a pose or highlight intro featuring her weapon, I wanna show off my pride for getting her golden gun.

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She still is in need of buffs. Not nerfs lol.

Like forum, trolls? Ikr?!

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No, actual ingame trolls.

I honestly would love seeing her back in the support category and let her be the shield and utility based character she was previously but i’m not sure if that’s ever going to happen again. To fix this version of Symmetra i would fix the tickrate and increase the range a little more from her primary fire, tp needs to deploy faster and last infinite until it gets destroyed and for her ultimate i’m not sure because it’s a bit boring after the voiceline ends but i would definetly reduce the ultimate cost charge and lower the duration maybe to 10s but damage/slow enemies that go trough it.


if you quit the game it would help in solving the problem.

Only you can prevent forest fires.

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When a hero has been out for two years and has never been meta, that’s an issue

They have had two years to try and be good, if that hasn’t happened in two years we got some major issues

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like I said many times. she is never being used in the OWWC and OWL which is an issue too.


Now, that’s a fair point. But so many heroes are not being used there whatsoever.

Also true. But I guess people think it’s fine to have the same 15 heroes being played all the time

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