What will supports look like in Overwatch 2?

Any progress regarding Bastion, Orisa, Sigma’s rework?

Keep up with the good work! :smiley:

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Well imagine a 1sec sleep dart, that doesn’t do a knockdown, and has only a 0.1sec minimum duration.

As a replacement for Flashbang

I really hope your guess is wrong.

(Nothing Personal)

Would any of the supports have the ability to cure cc/status contitions? I know that the devs said that cc wouldn’t be as prevelant in OW2, but the game’s posterchild support hero is a hekkin’ doctor!

We’ve been robbed! Robbed, I tell you!

I mean, I’m wrong a lot.

But I’m also right a lot more often than the rest of the community.

we are chatty today (I like it).

silly question: is the feeling in the team devs is serene or with adrenaline in the veins for these days?

Hello, speaking of supports, are you guys planning to keep the small techs on heroes like Moira, Mercy or even Brig on OW2? I’m talking about the fade jumps, the Mercy super jump and the Brig bash jump.

Thank you for responding.


Wish they did, those are fun

So did you talk to the devs about Ana’s Bionade, specifically the AntiHeal aspect?

I know the Brig change is really spicy, but are you up for doubling that spice today?

Kinda feels inevitable that either it gets a nerf, a rework, a few counters, or some sort of passive resistance for tanks.

I mean, with that posts count, it was statistically bound to happen lol


You sure?

and current dps that could become support / tank? :eyes:

Like support from OW1 except they’ll have very smöl (tiny!) hats.

could you give us some insight as to what you’re doing with orisa?

I wonder how they’re going to deal with that. Having Mercy’s active healing become too low pushed a lot of people away from her; it would be at least as disasterous for Bap or Ana.


I’m pretty sure that translates into “no, I won’t discuss dps today.”

Please don’t push him, it’s rude.


Thanks for so much insight, AndyB. Since we’re on the topic of supports, is there any talk of changing current dps heroes to the support role?

This self aggrandizement is very embarrassing and misplaced


Hello I have 1 last question about OW2

The June 22nd update the option to pick your region from the launcher became a pointless feature as we’re now put in our closest region and now people who play alone cannot pick their preferred region (something I used a lot as I preferred to play on NA region)

Is there a chance a feature will be added into OW2 where we can pick which region we want to queue for?

I am not the only one who would like to see the feature returned, I get told by people all the time to “buy a VPN” and I don’t think that is fair.


yes, you’re right :sweat_smile:
but you know, when a hero changes classes … I’m not totally inopportune with the question :rofl: but you’re right :hugs: