What will supports look like in Overwatch 2?

Why? The whole character concept was to stop characters like Tracer and Genji and in that she played her role excellently. It’s one of the few ways in the game to curb this type of character and now you’re going to remove it for (nobody knows) reasons.

What is known is that the Main dps only complain because they don’t know how to deal with this type of counter.


It’s “meaningful” because they think they can reconjure the “magic” of 2016/early 2017. People who forget the past are of course doomed to repeat it. They refused to see nerfs to Dive characters and the same people asked instead for an anti-dive character, got two (Moira/Brig). Brig 1.0 was terribly over-tuned to an extreme, and was bad no question. OTOH, unmitigated Dive characters exploiting cheap movement abilities to get an advantage unrestricted simply will not work for any sustainable period. The game cannot just be an endless brawl fest with hypermobile characters taking shots at non-mobile characters, no one will play it.


The new plan is to let damage heroes do whatever they want and bend the entire game around making it fun for them while everyone else is a prop for them to shoot.


thinks I don’t get it

blizz: we remove brigs shild bash. couze cc
also blizz : we gonna add more cc

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blizz: we removing cc
also blizz: keeps anas sleep, one of the hardest cc effects in the whole game


“BuT ItS A SkIlL ShOT” :roll_eyes:


With a fast travel time, big hitbox and a long lasting effect :+1:t2:


And yet Brig’s shield stun was so, so very bad? :roll_eyes:

So if the PvE is just like the previous co-op missions we have seen… what will be the incentive?

Tanks doing damage? Unheard of. They’re just a boring role with no real potential…



Really hoping Moira is one of those “some meaningful changes” heroes because she kinda loses her identity and purpose with having only 1 tank to heal…

She was also hit with some… questionable nerfs despite being one of the worst healers in the game

It would be really sad to see her in OW 2 with her current kit/strength :confused:


If they already have low healing they don’t contribute to the healing creep and don’t need any changes, jesus christ you guys.

Will the stun removal also affect PVE??? :frowning:

Don’t forget that during the golden era, heroes still actually had CC and defensive options. Mei got her blizzard very fast also. The defensive options were weaker than the offensive options, which was very apparent in the highest level of play. Torb 2.0 would have been a very strong counterpick to season 4 dive if he existed.

I think the true best meta from an offense and defense balance POV with strategic diversity has actually been the moth meta. Mercy’s broken defensive options allowed fragile, less mobile heroes like junkrat, Sym, Soldier, Orisa, Hog and Hanzo(at the time) to enjoy a balanced pickrate in ladder as Mercy negated getting overwhelmed by hypermobility (and she had the highest mobility with slingshot momentum).

She worked in Dive, Orisa+Hog, Rein Zarya rush, pretty much everything and gave no bias to a specfic comp. Of course, the issue is that she stole a support slot, sacrificing support diversity in exchange for damage/tank diversity.

Moth meta just goes to show that having strong defensive options is necessary to ensure multiple strategies are viable and can compete with each other without a clear winner.


nerf everything so dps get to run free. so now we get no dva peel and no support self peel


We know very well, that it won’t happen, as DPS are allergic to any defence they can’t just break through.


Honestly same here. I mean I probably won’t go as far as saying I won’t play OW2 (which I will) but I won’t play Brigitte anymore due to this.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding this, but I really hope that they don’t go through with this idea, at least not as a blanket reduction to healing. Supports who have had significant reduction to their healing have usually felt awful to play.

I understand that the total incoming damage is lower and that you have less people to heal, but oftentimes you’re not interacting with the totality of the enemy team’s output. The fact that the there is one less tank doing damage doesn’t usually matter when you are trying to help with a dps duel, or to keep a flanker off of your other healer.

What’s more, not all supports are equal offenders when making fights long and drawn out. It makes sense to nerf Baptiste’s healing output. It makes much less sense to nerf Zenyatta’s.

If healing output has to be nerfed, I think it should be done in a targeted manner. Nerf throughput cool downs (like Bap’s shift ability, the healing on Moira’s orb, the healing portion of Ana’s grenade). Nerf throughput on the heavy throughput healers and shift some of their power elsewhere.


With OW2 going to 5x5, how will the league work that will have 1 professional player left for each side, how many unemployed people can happen with that, what did you think about what to do in this case?

99% not

She will most likely have a talent for the stun in the talent tree or whatever that is