Fellas just ignore this guy. Check his post history. He is a mercy main, abused release Brig while claiming she was okay and infact underpowered, complaining about anything that doesn’t go his way or doesn’t like.
Like, you literally make posts only to complain. Let’s see your history: you sir, have complained about Doom, Zarya, Ana, Reaper, Soldier, Baptiste, Orisa, Sigma, Hanzo, Widow, Monkey, D.Va, Cree, Symm, Sombra, Hog, Lucio, the Devs, the Company and that’s only from posts, not even replies .
You literally tried to justify the Mass Rez, or the absurd Mercy’s power during Moth meta and again, claimed that release Brig was completely fine and she didn’t need any nerfs.
Please stop.
Edit: During further investigation at your replies, you have also complained about: Bastion, Moira, Junkrat, Genji, Mei, Hammond, Rein, Torb, Tracer, Zen.
So essentially, the only heroes you haven’t complained about are Mercy, Brig and Pharah. How about we make a separate game just for you with only these 3 heroes being available, since you hate everything else?
Edit 2: It’s so fun, it’s like digging for gems, found one!
Delete brigitte already
Sep '18 - She’s fine. Learn to counter her.
There is another one!
May '18 - Mercy is in the best spot she’s ever been in and should not be touched.