What was your most upvoted comment in the forums?

Also nice necro

It was about 3-1-2

It wasn’t any kind of angry rant, or game analysis, just, being reasonable in a thread where a lot of people were not.

I played it, it wasn’t… great, but wasn’t awful either.

according to profile summary


but I think that is only amongst recent ones, I had ones with way more than that unless those threads got removed or something.

I only had highly upvoted comments on the old forums since there were way more active forum users back then

Your’s should have been a comment you made about maths.

But I was the only one who upvoted it. A shame, since it was a killer comment :slight_smile:

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No one else gets my moose jokes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey, in New Zealand, they are legitimately classified as a cryptid. Much like bigfoot.

There is history there.

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Pretty much the same in NYC. :slight_smile:

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whoops i didn’t realise. i followed a hyperlink