What was your most popular thread? (post da link)

it is, you stole my joke an everything

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I made this thread criticizing a Your Overwatch video that was pretty popular I guess.

My top 3

no wonder, there so controversial

In 6k posts, and like 3 years on the forums, I’ve made exactly 1 thread…

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These are mine


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And I still disagree with you.

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not here to argue balance lol , I will say this. my opinions on the game have changed a lot since I posted that but I still see ana nade as way too powerful. widow is still a stupid hero In general , and overwatch makes me want die.

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I Understand this, and I also really love the game.

yeah I’m addicted. I can’t stop I hate it but I love it. I’ve started playing apex , minecraft and some star wars games but I still am SO ADDICTED to this game it’s absurd. If someone asked me if they should get this game I would say yes 100% because it has entertained me for 5 years and over 2000 hours combined. it blows me away that people say they don’t like or recommend this game BUT THEY’VE PLAYED IT FOR THOUSANDS OF HOURS. like you spent 30-60$ and got thousands of hours of entertainment and you say no?!!?!

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(From my main account)

You said your mind was changed, then you said your mind was changed again, then you edited the post saying your mind was changed? What side are you on? :rofl:

To OP: This was my most popular thread for some reason :thinking:

It’s when they butchered orisa and baptiste

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This was my most popular topic that wasn’t negative or about balance

My most popular OW-related thread was back when they didn’t “reset” the forums and the forums redesign didn’t kick in. Back then I had hundreds of posts and made some good threads. Then the “reset” happened, my number of posts was back to zero and none of my past threads could be found ever again.

Lost in time, literally I guess.

my most read topics(i had 2 dva topics with the same views, saying the same thing);

my most liked comment(im a samito hater);

most replies on a topic(2 people having an argument);

This was it lady and gentlemen

My profile wont load all my threads, so I can only post the most popular one I can access.

My Unmasked Reaper thread with 2.3k views

Proof that simple eye grabbing titles and no more than two sentences of thought goes a lot further than any of my other word vomits :joy:

Surprisingly, Baptiste x Mercy: Thoughts? - #29 by Violetta-11500 got 1.4k views in the Story Discussion section, which has sadly been so quiet lately…

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Was it not always that way?

It was just as inactive when I first joined the forums… unless… the game died before I joined… :sob:

Made this post during Halloween Terror 2019, still agree with every bit