About Moira's ease of access play

This thread isn’t to talk about the balance of any hero but is just a reminder that this game is meant to be accessible to all people which is an absolutely amazing thing , which is another reason why certain heros like old sym , mercy , and Moira should not “require aim” (even tho Moira does) because if you make heros with mechanically forgiving aim you are expanding the player base to people with nerve damage , people who can’t move their hands fingers and arms around easily , and other people who just don’t have the same advantages as we do as able bodied individuals and that is why i think symmetra shouldn’t have been reworked and that Moira shouldn’t lose her forgiving beam , maybe you should just stop , take a look at your own gameplay and think.

This thread is in no way to be taken offensively to anyone or in any way. thank you for reading I really debated posting this but with all of the threads going around I changed my mind


she can keep it if it has less value, I understand being unable to aim, I have one of my eyes practically shut down constantly, and it leaves me unable to focus on specific targets. But I also didn’t use a cop-out hero to overcome that obstacle.

She should be viable in a rank that matches the amount of effort it takes to play her.

also characters like rein and mercy exist for people to get carried by their brains instead of their mechanics, if moira was like them people wouldn’t have a problem, but shes the farthest thing from it


I’m all for making her kit more skillful but I feel that the forgiving aim should remain , if fade goes on a higher cooldown but has a little more range and the orbs dissapear after she dies these are small changes that keep the accessibility of the character the same but increase difficulty elsewhere

remove self healing from her suck and it can keep the forgiving mechanics, even fade is fine honestly

my problem is that she can outheal my damage, while killing me, while eating a sandwich with her other hand and have fade if she gets dangerously low


I’m fine with Moira being designed that way but it’s just what bothers me is compared to every other support she’s just way too forgiving.
Her orbs have large hitboxes, she’s has arguably one or the best escape tools in the game on a 6 second cooldown, one of the smallest hitboxes I’m the game, her healing spray has a large hitbox too.

Moira is basically every lazy gamers dream hero. Of course it’s my opinion and anyone’s free to disagree.


Upping fades cooldown means she won’t be able to go aggro as often anymore because their will be a larger window for others to kill her , I also don’t know about removing the selfheal on her beam she kind of needs it for self sustain maybe reducing it but it’s already been reduced , I could see them maybe making her orb heal her less

having one of your eyes closed all the time doesn’t affect your aim though.

I have a problem with my left eye and I constantly have it closed.


I just wrote a Mythbuster topic that explains Moira’s strange aim.
here is an image of the tests carried out (gif)

I would say do the opposite, remove self heal but raise orbs total healing amount, so that you can effectively dive her when the cooldown isn’t up without her being able to self heal

It does, like I said im unable to focus on specific targets, I said practically shut down. I can see the big picture with the eye, so I can tell what map im on and ill see moving figures, but I cant focus on what the figure is, and I cant read with that eye, it affected it a good bit for sure


I have a problem with both my arms, but I still manage.

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I am deaf, and have bad vision… but I was able to play DPS in higher ranks… so, I disagree that closing 1 eye is a problem. I’ve had my left eye closed for years, because it makes everything blurry if i have both eyes open.

I was 18 when it began, I’m nearly 32 now. All those years, and the opticians cannot find anything wrong with my eyes and say I have better than 20/20 vision :clown_face:


IK you play moira in masters and DPS in plat, so idk what you mean by DPS in GM really.

I got diagnosed with mine when I was 6 but my mom is an antivaxxer and didn’t let me do the treatments, wasn’t until my parents divorced that I got it looked into again with my dad and now its irreversible :slight_smile:


No https://i.imgur.com/sLFeIOA.jpg


Are we competing to see who is more disabled right now , that wasn’t the point of the post. Neither was balance it was literally just a reminder that not everyone (like you two) is a able bodied individual , cool y’all can play the game amazingly even though you are disabled in some way , not everyone is so lucky


This user is a Moira hater, and is saying because they are capable that everyone else is, but sure target me first.

So why can’t I say the same back? :slight_smile:


Ok, if you make Moira’s beam harder to hit, you have to make it higher DPS because 50 DPS is too low on an unreliable weapon like Zarya’s or Sym’s. Fair?

It was at both of you babe , I actually really like you. Sadly I cannot say it to two people at once

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Sure it was both, but I was only responding that because they basically said because they can play aim reliant heroes that Moira deserves all these nerfs.

Im not really saying that, but im also saying that if you cant overcome your disability you probably shouldn’t be able to reach a high rank with a hero catered to you, its bad for the game on a competitive level. For casual play its fine, but it should be balanced in a way that its only viable in casual tiers, or reworked to be hard enough to be good in high tiers


I disagree, anyone hero should be allowed to reach high ranks :slight_smile:

Also believe it or not, it’s harder to rank up to the highest level with Moira. People start countering you well well once you reach plat+ it’s where aim starts to get pretty good, which means a lot more Ana, and Ana counters Moira big time.

I actually struggle to keep my rank because sometimes I just can’t make Moira work. But I try my hardest. The highest I got with Moira was 4024, then I dropped to like 3.9k and I’ve been around 3.6-3.8 for a long time.

Everyone in lower ranks thinks Moira is easy, but everyone in higher ranks says I’m throwing/inting and tries to bully me into playing Ana/Lucio. and rant about how Moira is trash and provides nothing to team.

They especially rage if we have Ana and Moira and I won’t switch to Lucio.