What was it about Mass Rez that you liked/disliked?

What I liked: The sheer excitement of feeling like you turned the tide of battle. Hearing people say “Ugh its lost” or “Group up and go again” then they’re like “WOAH NICE MERCY!” when everyone was bought back :grin:

What I didn’t like: It would literally reverse a perfectly coordinated play from the other team which when I was on the receiving end - was frustrating :sweat_smile:

Ultimately, I don’t think it should’ve been removed.
“Oh but Mercy just hides then brings everyone back” Maybe add a timer? People can only be resurrected in the 3 seconds immediately after they die? Or perhaps the Tracer/Genji/[Insert Flanker Here] go and find the hiding Mercy and kill her.

Idk, I feel there’s more they could’ve done.

I liked it because it felt really nice to pull off a round-winning rez.

I also liked the counterplay in that rez was very, very predictable. As long as you knew it was coming, there were certain things you could do to stop it from happening that moment or counter it the minute it ended invuln.

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i dont think whole team should be punished for attacking/defending effectively only to have odds turned against them cause the whole team has everything in stock, loaded at moment of rez, a long cooldown would be fine, but 3~5 using ults instantly after being rez after getting team wiped by ults, is not ok.

It’s called balancing the game. But keep up the conspiracy theory.

They didn’t rework her because of balancing reasons. Lol, I’d expect you to know this much.

Since i played since cb2. Yes i do know it was a un-fun un-skilled game changing mechanic which dictated the whole pace of the game.

As i previously stated…

Stating an opinion as a fact is not cute.

Like this? 20 characters.

That’s my opinion lol. Why do you think I said, “not good”?

See this threads title is "what is it about mass rez you liked/disliked.

It’s not a “Whitenight mercy mains only” thread.

Nice strawman there. Think we’re done here. :slight_smile:

No it’s quite literally the title. My orignial response was to the OP not to engage with a troll white knight mercy main who spends their day posting in every mercy thread.

Good day.

Oof. Think you need to calm down a bit. You sound quite angry. Anyhoo, have a lovely day.

Inb4 still replying o god…

Who’s angry is it you? You can’t handle truth bombs so you have to try and argue with some randoms opinion?

If you want the truth to why mercy was nerfed originally you can simply look up the Developer notes. It’s not hard. What do you think you are gaining here?

This was your original argument. Which is just so stupid.

It’s almost unreal. So the fact that mercy could press q and instantly resurrect her team from death… Was the opponents fault for bad game design? OKAYYY

I didn’t like mass rez because

  1. It was really strong for a single button press. (or 2 if you needed to fly in)
  2. while it made Mercy and thier team feel good, it felt awful to play against
  3. Valk is fine (you can’t change my mind) people are just using to heal and occasinally damage boost. Mercy does have a gun to put pressure on the enemy.

Invulnerability upon casting was what I hated.
That’s it.

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I quite literally said that it was you.

You mean opinions?

Hopefully you can explain then, how did enemy team work hard if they supposedly left out the Mercy? This time, don’t give me a half a**ed answer.

What even are you talking about? When did any of us bring up nerfs?

Quite true, really. How exactly did a team work hard if they left out the Mercy, you know, the one that can revive dead teammates?

Your original statement was that mass Resurrect punished hard work. That is quite literally not true because why didn’t you kill the Mercy along with her team? If she was hiding, then just wipe her team, wait for res, and wipe again. The first fight, you wouldn’t need to use ults anyway because it’s a 5v6. Then when the enemy team gets ressed, wipe them again with ultimates. Keep in mind that you have a positioning advantage since ressed allies are stationary for 2 seconds.

Damage reduction would’ve been so much better.

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But OW gave us something that wasn’t an E, something nobody asked for and whatnot. Yikes.

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