What was it about Mass Rez that you liked/disliked?

dislike …. it depends to much on dum luck.

DeVs aRe smARt!

Wow you sure took a long time to reply to that.

Someones trying really hard.

It’s the DPS fault for not killing mercy when she had invulnerability and instant 5 man rez on a q press.

“Mercy main” btw haHAA.

Enjoy being c tier instead of perma s+ tier for almost 2 years straight. :slight_smile:

5-man resses were just as rare as 5-man kills.


How many kills do people usually get with their ults? 2-3
Same amount of heroes resurrected most of the time with mass res.

Tell me whats hard work about pressing Q and resurrecting 5 people.
What’s harder by your logic killing 5 people or pressing 1 button and undoing all that?

Also you just didn’t want any other main healer viable right Mercy 24/7 Because that’s exactly how the game was before she was nerfed.

You do realize that Mass Res had counterplay, right?
If the team was too spread out upon resurrection, they could be picked off and killed again.
If the team didn’t have focus fire, they could die just as easy.

IT doesn’t matter how many people Mercy resurrected; things could still go wrong.
Mercy 1.0 before invulnerability was better.

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Long? Lol. 4 mins apart. Also, typed a lot of things.

This is honestly just grasping for straws. Your original argument was that it punished hard work. That is not the case because if you don’t kill the Mercy along with her team, that’s your fault. Only excuse you have is “Hide n Res” and even then, just wipe the team again. Hiding sets the Mercy’s team up for another wipe.

LOLOL. Saying this when one, I hate reworked Mercy and two, Mercy with mass Resurrect was historically underpowered. She only become viable when invulnerability was added and even then, she certainly wasn’t S-Tier.

No it didn’t it was removed because it required 0 skill and had a massively high reward.

“Just focus the mercy 4Head”

If I’m wrong why exactly does mercy not have mass rez anymore? :thinking:

Oh that’s right because I’m living in reality & you are living in a dream world.

You’re ignorant when it comes to Mercy if you think that mass res worked 100% of the time.
It only worked if the team was in a good position and focus firing on targets.

Nope i’m not ignorant you are just low I.Q.

You’re ignorant and you’re resorting to saying I’ve got low IQ to “prove your point” when you don’t have an argument to my truth.

Because she got reworked for other reasons. You can’t make up your own reasons and say your right because she got reworked for other reasons.

Because you think making up reasons for a rework that already happened makes sense.

Mass res wasn’t the problem.
Invulnerability during casting was.

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Calling someone who played at the time ignorant is just stupid thus you must have Low I.Q. It’s pretty funny how some ppl have rose tinted glasses about the past which had no basis in actual reality.

I’ve been playing since launch and I’m level 2000+ with 200+ hours on Mercy and Lucio (not combined) so thanks but nice try.

So, i didn’t call YOU ignorant YOU called me ignorant which is utter tosh.

You just assumed that I haven’t been here since launch so, rude and ignorant and did u just assume how long I’ve been playing. That’s offensive. GAWH.

Wait they removed mass rez for “Other reason” I kinda rememebr seeing a nice utube video of jeff explaining otherwise. Sorry :wink:

I disliked that killing Mercy “too early” into the team fight could be a thing, resulting in her respawning and getting back to rez right after the fight is over.

I also disliked it because there was a good chance that if your team was poorly positioned when they died, they’d just get wiped again, which ends up just wasting valuable time that could’ve been used to regroup properly, and effectively gives more ult charge to the enemy team too.