What to expect for Season 2: Ramattra, Shambali Monastery, and the Battle for Olympus

Can we please just increase the rewards for flex queueing already?

Queues are a meme at this point, especially at higher ranks.

Either offer a non-trivial amount of exp or offer legacy currency, even 5-10 would be enough…


Taking out two of the best maps in the game. This sucks, no one likes this. Let the game be fun.

Rotating out good maps while we are stuck on the same 3 push maps every season defeats the entire purpose of the map pools. The ones we want out are stuck with us no matter what. No one want Gibraltar out, get a grip.


So… is Nepal going to change its name? Because now there is another map in Nepal

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So no Brig changes or any word of rewarding support players more or making their lives better in any way. Also to just mock us: we get a Lucio and Ana skin that are surely in the shop, but Pharah, Roadhog, Widow and Tracer get ANOTHER skin? REALLY?

Also: map pools are stupid, the shop prices suck and it will be open season for support in S2… you better have some HUGE changes that POSITIVELY impact Kiriko, Mercy and Ana or we are having a problem.


The greek theme is cool and makes me wish Doomfist got a Kratos skin.

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You can also expect adjustments for Ana, Bastion, Junker Queen, Kiriko, Mercy, and Symmetra when we release this new update on December 6.

So…just adjustment? no reworks? Kay.
You’ve promised to address support’s survivability since the first Beta but still hasn’t seen any realization.

I like this, the season looks incredible, Gibraltar is terrible. Lame hahahahah

I can assure you swapping Gibraltar out for Rialto is more than fair of a trade

There’s no reason for a trade at all. That’s not something that needs to happen. Hello??


How about STOP excluding maps for whatever reason and just throw them ALL into the game so people don’t have to play the same 5 freaking maps every time they start the game?


The new content looks nice, new character and map should be fun. Kinda surprised they added another Pharah legendary skin in this BP since she had one in the first BP. That Poseidon one looks sweet though!

Is the new map Push or there is a chance that it will be actually fun to play?

No Brig Changes? Bummer, she feels so lackluster to play.

Balance wise seems fine, but almost all supports bring more interesting plays or utility.

And she has to have one of the more borings ults in the game.


It’s Escort (20chars)

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This is AWESOME!! I love the whole Greek Mythology theme in this!! I want all those skins for sure, especially Junker Queen’s Zeus and Ramattra’s Poseidon skins!

Now I’m hyped even more

Im only hyped for ramattra :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

And doom balance change and soj nerfsss

Judging by these skins, Season 2 should be called Season of Kitsch.


Looks like Paladins has invaded Overwatch

The skins are good but the theme is so random.
Like the feel of the map but don’t care much about ramattra
Mythic skin for a new character that is underpowered and not very popular yet? good luck trying to sell that.
Curious about the balance changes but stop removing maps.
The event rewards is lame if an epic skin is the only new thing that is worth it.

What theme would you pick that doesn’t make it random then XD

even i had the money, awful skin prize :face_vomiting: