Well we know Ana, Kiriko & Mercy are getting adjustments…don’t know about much else…
How do we know that?
Oh duh
You can also expect adjustments for Ana, Bastion, Junker Queen, Kiriko, Mercy, and Symmetra when we release this new update on December 6.
I’m a big fan of Greek mythology and these skins are pretty sweet.
“You can also expect adjustments for Ana, Bastion, Junker Queen, Kiriko, Mercy, and Symmetra when we release this new update on December 6.”
The hero locking is going to ruin this game to no ends
Why are Havana and Numbani still gone? Map pools are dumb
they havent even showed the patch notes yet lol
I’m glad for several announcements there, namely that the Olympic Ramattra skin is a battle pass skin and the other dope Ramattra skin will actually be free. Doomfist is getting “significant” changes and Junker Queen will be getting changes too finally. I hope whatever they are doing to Ana doesn’t ruin her or I will be annoyed.
I do hope that the Ramattra and the Pharah skins aren’t the only Olympian-themed skins in the pass though.
“Maybe there will be some, but doesn’t sound like it”
That’s why I said maybe there will be some
Winter Wonderland 2022 is 3 weeks long apparently… So Halloween being 2 weeks was just a one-time thing.
Fun Fact: Battle of Olympus is a game from the Nintendo NES
Let’s not act like we don’t already know the answer to this
Numbani was not gone due to map pools but due to a bug. Presumably they have not been able to fix this bug, which is very possible given the amount of other bugs that have likely taken priority.
Winged Victory Mercy as a free skin for playing the event. Great move Blizzard, great move! A multiple year old skin that almost everybody who waited over 3 years for this already has.
They said they would help brig… i see NO comment about brig at all… Thanks Blizzard!!
Condolences. I’m a Bap main but Brig needs HELP…
hey to be fair they actually did…but about a drop skin lmao
Finally the map feels being on the good way as its recycling elements.
I do hope there will be more maps even with the same theme rather than one map in months cause it adds a whole new art design.
Yes for the right to test the new hero before unlocking them (I’d expect to test them in some casual mode rather than training field).
But season 2 looks being better than season 1, so yeah, good news.
Edit : still waiting for the balance patch though.
And they’ll just be changing Nepal and oasis weathers only? I thought all the maps would get a different time of the day for them…
Thank you I was at least expecting something about the ult rework
But maybe they’re just not ready with it yet