Season 2 is around the corner, and with it, a myriad of new in-game developments!
Mercy legendary skin confirmed
Edit: never mind, a old mercy skin is becoming a skin drop
Rialto and Blizzard World return!
But… what about Havana and Numbani???
So dont ruin season two, give us more maps to play on, the amount you give makes the game stale. And lol worst character gets a mythic skin, good job!
Cool… Very Cool…
I also just uninstalled the game which is also cool.
dont you dare say that about my queen
time to rework your prices!
How about fixing non-role queue modes?
No Brig changes…
Freakin’ Ana is getting changes before Brig. Really? Ana…
Maybe there will be some, but doesn’t sound like it
ugh just stop with the map pools, no harm with leaving all the maps in
“With a new season comes a new map pool. Along with our newest map, Shambali Monastery, players can anticipate the return of a fan-favorite, Rialto, and the most epic place on earth, Blizzard World (some rides may not be available due to weather). We’ll also be visiting Oasis and Nepal at different times of the day and rotating out Hollywood and Watchpoint: Gibraltar. As a reminder, all off-rotation maps will continue to be available in custom games.”
Seems cool mostly, but why are we taking maps out? Who is asking for this?
Hero is out for 5 minutes and already gets a mythic lol
Skins and Maps are nice and all.
But I’m going to be upset/anxious until I see the balance/systems changes regarding Support Popularity.
Such a flop too, for a character nobody plays…
No Mercy skin
With a new season comes a new map pool.
Enough with the map pools bro
No word on workshop tools, looking for group, fire system, or support reworks, huh? Figured we’d see at least one of these being mentioned.
Though did see a few supports on the adjustments list.
isn’t it sad we’re cheering for old content to be back because they artificially vaulted it?
To address the high-skill feedback, we’ll be focusing on the lethality of her Rail Gun at distance for Season 2, encouraging players to make use of Sojourn’s high mobility to close the distance for the more devastating right-clicks.
Lets wait and see if the fall off is harsh enough to be a massive nerf or if it’s going to be a slap on the wrist that changes absolutely nothing.
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I like this, but I really hope you aren’t going to be light with the Sojourn nerfs. She needs to be heavily nerfed, and not just her range. Holding rail gun charge for 8 seconds is far too forgiving given her mobility.
Please consider getting rid of map pools. They make the game feel stale significantly faster. I’m tired of the same maps that are going to exist in both map pools now. I can’t take any more Lijiang Tower or Ilios.