What to do with Brigitte

How about we leave her as she is because she’s balanced? Just a suggestion.

a brig without a shield is a bad brig in the first place.

What people don’t understand is that she’s a menacing DPS that is TANKY as hell and can also heal people.

It’s like giving any DPS hero in the current hero pool a heal over his current kit.

Those Brigitte Defenders will still come and tell you how you can actually kill the DPS so in their mind he won’t be overpowered.

Or imagine giving any of our flanking DPS heroes a shield over his kit. Brig defensive league will still come and say that oh, if you can’t kill him it’s because your team doesn’t know how to focus fire, if you focus fire him he’ll be dead soon. Plus he can’t do damage while he’s shielding, so what’s so bad. LMAO


actually brigitte is quite balanced rn and doesnt need any direct changes. Shes in a niche area but a good niche.

Regardless of what the anti brigs want to say, brig is not op or needing of a nerf/rework

actually brigitte is not balanced rn and does need big direct changes. Shes not in a niche area.

Regardless of what brig defenders want to say, brig is op and needs a nerf/rework.

  • Let’s go on with this, it’s such a helpful way to debate things
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well you started it sir. now im willing to try again.

That’s what you guys are actually doing.

People showed you over and over how hard she is to kill. You overexaggerate everything about her vulnerability just to counter their argument but then still, she’s also able to heal and also able to kill most squishy targets and bully tanks.

Not only that, but her kit without the ultimate is enough of a problem, her ulti on top of that makes it even more overpowered cause after she ults she’s just a straight out brawler that can jump in your team and kill any squishy she wants.

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if brig was overpowered and needing of a nerf she wouldnt be barely holding ontop top 15 pickrate in every rank except bronze-gold and masters, and bronze-gold is a bunch of bad players that dont know how to fight her. Frankly idk what is with masters rn

Literally brig is only strong in 3 categories, against dive characters, in goats, and against bad players. The first two are easily counterable by yknow, swapping.

Brig enforces what this game was meant to be which is ‘swap to counter the enemy or lose’.

Her low pickrate with high winrate she has shows she is indeed niche in those 3 situations. Not overpowered

now i can 100% agree severely unfun to fight, and cc is insanely bs. But nerfing brig is definitely not the way to go about fixing the issue with cc.

You want brig nerfed, do it indirectly, implement more anti CC. This will help balance the game overall while also indirectly nerfing brig

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Brig enforces what this game was meant to be which is ‘swap to counter the enemy or lose’.

As i was telling some other dude that kept defending her.

-See brig, get widow to counter her.
-Her teammates get a Winston.
-Get a Pharah to counter her now.
-Her teammates get a hitscan.
-Get whatever the heck you want and she will never be forced to swap.

She only enforces other people to swap because she basically doesn’t ever need to swap.



So chill out with saying only bad players complain about her. That’s again an overexaggeration and you just attack people directly with dumb arguments.

L2DEBATE cause currently, you seem like an automated hate bot that only talks smack about people who logically complain about something.

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you seem like an automated ‘someone defends something i personally dislike, obviously an idiot’ bot. Like mate i can do the same thing.

And you already named her, pharah either forces brig to swap off or brigs team is 99% of the time going to lose as they have a useless person on their team due to the pharah absolutely making brig worthless.

Brig is also not hard to kill, i play brig as well as zen and rein. She is incredibly easy to kill and im not even that good of a player.

like all i have to do as zen is to discord her and say in comms ‘hey brigs discorded’ and she dies in under 5s.

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Lmao, i named it yes.

Pharah, the hero that has to immediately swap if the enemy gets a decent soldier/mccree/widow. Hell, nowadays even a hanzo can wreck her.

But yeahhhh, she definitely will force a Brigitte to swap, because if Pharah counters Brigitte brigitte will swap to something that can not really counter her directly instead of one of her teammates swapping onto something that hard counters her.

At this point i think you’re trolling.

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Considering brig has such a low pickrate compared to winrate im just going to say your scenarios arent really working out otherwise she would have a much higher pickrate, but she has a much lower one so it signifies shes getting countered(and dont give the ‘people just dont want to play her’ mate, in diamond+ people will play to win, and if brig was indeed op or needing of a nerf theyd play her an insane amount). Several characters can demolish a brig comp, best two are indeed pharah, but also junkrat.

Widowmaker and hanzo are overpowered and a good pharah can actually deal with a good hitscan fairly well see valkia

But im talking to a brick wall so i really dont see the point of continuing this discussion.

Brig will not be getting anymore direct nerfs

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Top 10 as of pick rate on overbuff, highest winrate on overbuff, and fourth highest rate of being on fire.

Yeah man, it’s not like … you know, you’re wrong.

highest winrate as i said is due to her being niche, and top 10 pickrate overall means nothing, the specific ranks are what matter. Also ‘being on fire’ means absolutely nothing besides ‘yay she does her job’

brig will not be getting anymore direct nerfs, the best you can hope for is more anti CC to come into the game.

also im just going to bring up your rank here. You have no right to call me a bot when i am almost 1000 sr higher than you. And your rank also explains why you think shes in need of a nerf.

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Google “This is how sad Overwatch is”

Then play her and enjoy SR that is otherwise unobtainable!

She will get nerfed, for sure.

It is a necessity, she makes the game really dull when she’s on any of the two sides.

It will probably just take more time until devs realize how bad her design and numbers are but it will eventually happen.

Oh and the fact that people will not stop complaining about her will also help. Because we ain’t all just “bad players” as you and other few ones think, we’re actually people that notice a really strange anomaly in the game whenever a Brigitte gets to play.

i did play her(a lot), didnt rank up. You realize that is the exact same thing that happened with mercy with broken sr gain right? and only a few people managed to do that back then

only 10-1000 out of the millions of players that managed to do so.

considering that the only people really complaining about brig anymore in a serious manner are low ranks like yourself, top tier streamers/pro players that heroes get countered hard by brig, or people that dont get how easy she is to outplay.

and yea, the anomaly when brigs in your games is because your rank doesnt have the game sense or positioning to deal with brig. I’m in diamond and brig is insanely easy to deal with every single time unless my team are actually bots, in which case we would lose either way

legitimately its not hard, get a zen, have the zen discord her and call her out, she dies in under 5s, even if ulting, its incredibly easy for me to do, like honestly i dont get how brig is seen as unkillable when even diamonds can easily do it.

considering that the only people really complaining about brig anymore in a serious manner are low ranks like yourself, top tier streamers/pro players that heroes get countered hard by brig, or people that dont get how easy she is to play.

Lmao. Ad Hominem all day long when you have nothing else to say.

Yeah man, we’re all low elo bad players, and the Brig defenders are some high elo godlike aristocrats that understand the world better.

You’re just embarrassing yourself with those kind of arguments.

I’m in diamond and brig is insanely easy to deal with

Lmao, you’re just basically one rank higher than me. If i’ll climb to diamond and then debate you will I still be considered low elo and a bad player ?

so funny

yea, please do get to diamond. play brig and get to diamond. If shes so easy and overpowered surely you can do it solo queue when obviously people did it so ‘easily’

@ me when you do it.

i do not find myself a high elo aristocrat or whatever, but i do know the games balance better than even most of the master/gms at least on this forum.

ever since brigs release the game has actually became more and more balanced due to dive getting ‘killed’, a lot more heroes became viable as changes happened that wouldnt have mattered if dive was still meta and dominant.

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News Flash: That is literally the point of her design… they wanted her to be hard to take out.
Besides… People always complain on how strong everything is on her…
Her Damage is a bit below 60 DPS when she swings constantly and is purely melee, (aka even not thinking about shield bash, if you are outside of her 6 meter range you’ll be fine) ,
her heals are a measiy 16 HPS that only activates for 5 seconds when she does damage
and her shield doesn’t even properly cover her entire hitbox most of the time, making it really weak to splash damage.
Brigitte is only strong when her enemy team lets her be that. If they’re clever they can starve her out and make the Brig pick be essentially useless to her team .

I’ll remember that next time I see someone defending any hero with “git gud” since that would not only apply to Brig but every hero. And BOI did I hear a lot of people defending certrain flankers with that line.