What to do with Brigitte

We’ve all had that one game, the enemy Brigitte carries, gets team kills, and even gets nano boosted almost all the time. Everything about her is… well annoying, but there is a way to balance her.

Before people say I’m a Brigitte hater, I’m not. I LOVE Brigitte, but I know that she is slightly over-powered.

  • I believe that her cooldown for shield bash should be reduced back to 6 seconds.

  • Her shield’s heath reduced to 350-400, and the recharge rate of it, a bit slower.

  • And her damage output should be reduced by 5.

I think these are good nerfs, and won’t hinder her gameplay too much. Hopefully making her fun to play as and against, but let me know if you guys have any ideas.

Or they could just make her stun a skillshot by putting it on the whip shot and give her a knockback instead of a stun on the shield bash


Stop acting like no one can counter her.

Learn how to play around her, and watch as she falls before you.

Don’t go toe to toe.


Not saying that, but she is hard to deal with, even when you do counter her. Her shield regen is very quick, and her heal over time/damage are very powerful. I think people underestimate how much Brigitte does and how well she does it.

She has to work with her team to be at all effective.
Get her to chase you away, pick the other support, don’t get in her range.

Trap her, stun her, hack her, freeze her. Multiple ways to CC her and take her out of the fight.

Remove her


That really breaks her ability to combo, part of the purpose of the shield bash is to gap-close so having it knock back would defeat the purpose.

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I am sorry but do you even play the game or do you just fantasize about it ?

I guess you’re living in the lore or something. Because you make it so simple when it is not.

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Does this mean she’s easy to counter? No, she will most likely stun you or hold her shield up, and if neither of those are able to be done, call for her teammates help.

She doesn’t always need to be with her team to be effective. She has healing whenever she does damage to someone, a shield to walk back to healthpacks, and a stun and boop to prevent attacks.

Please don’t make her a worse Roadhog.


Nope never play this game at all.

Never play the character that you are stating is OP and I never die as her.

Nope not at all.



Maybe the stuns distance traveled should be shorter, it makes it a little too good, and yeah the shield is nuts fast on the recharge time, you spend so long taking it down with most of the cast and then you get not even nearly enough time to capitalize on it because it’s just back up and near half its health again within a few short seconds. When it breaks it NEEDS a longer length of time to start recharging. Her TTK is way too high because of it and that helps her get value by just being alive.

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That’s just toxic D:

Telling someone to “git gud” to counter Brigitte means that she most likely needs fixing. Have you even tried playing as Brigitte, I find it really easy to get multiple kills quickly.


Yup, how to bring back tracer meta.

And his response is absolutely garbage.
I respond to garbage with garbage.

You saying Bri is OP while Hanzo runs around with a small CD instant kill ability on anything and everything. Only because you CANNOT learn to play around the hero in question. I state again LEARN TO PLAY.
Learn how to counter her. She is easy to kill. I play her all the time. I can devastate with her, ONLY if my team works with me. If I go off by myself. I WILL DIE. Like every other hero.


Once upon a time, no.

Basically what element is saying :

I can…
I devastate her…
I am a monster with her as well…
I am cool…
I am so good…
You are so bad…

But he’s just using other words. Don’t you see that he isn’t really trying to debate or provide any valid arguments at all ?

He just does what every single other Brig defender does. Picks one of the few little things that work against her and exaggerates it into oblivion.

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Yup totes saying that. You so cool bro.
I’m glad you are smart.

And I know that Hanzo is over-powered as well, he needs a different thread to avoid this one from going off topic, but Brigitte is an issue as well.

It’s hard to avoid her, hard to kill her, hard to counter her.

  • Pharah? Just stay indoors or out of her LOS so she is forced to go into an enclosed area to even touch you.

  • Junkrat? Honestly… he might be the one counter that can kill her.

  • Mccree? Well he can’t do much to you from far away anyways, but if he comes close just combo him to death!

  • Doomfist? His shields are no match for Brigitte inspire heal!

Brigitte can do too much too good. She can dps too good, heals too good, and tanks really well also. No hero should be able to do that much THAT good.

If you can’t kill her alone, maybe the rest of your team can.