What to do with Brigitte


You might want to take a deep look inward then


she counters him easy

have you watched ANY gameplay? or played her at all?

brig on the team knocks his shield down and team is free to push against him or cancel the push starting with him, she counters him this isn’t even up for debate

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ur right every single encounter in this game is a solo, in fact most are

good point


you realize you quoted two different people there?


You are defending them, thought you wanted to know what they said.

but i’m not defending them?

i agree that brig is overpowered and has way too much utility without requiring any amount of mechanical skill to perform well, i’m fighting against the no brain brig mains enough there

don’t make me also defend everything someone else posts, dang man

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You are saying the exact same thing as the OP.
You are defending their view of Bri being OP.
Thus you are in agreeance with them.

yeah, i literally just said i agree with them that brig is OP

it’s not up to me to defend every point the person brings up and every post they make now jesus christ my dude you’re wearin me out

Cause you have nothing to support you.

False accusations of Bri being OP.

I love brigette too and I think they best way to stop her is going by the motto “A briggete without a shield is a dead briggete”

Brigg deserves a mercy treatment

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i’m not sure you understand the whole forum thing…

Spout random stuff till someone listens.

if i agree with you there does that now mean i have to defend all your posts?

and now i have to defend that brig is OP and also that she isn’t OP?


I love brig threads… always shows who the elitist are. :slight_smile:

how about a mercy killing

She needs to be buffed her healing should be on a lower coool down.

i think she should just be removed from the game