What to do with Brigitte

You summed up my thoughts perfectly.

I honestly have zero issues with Baguette.

My problem is armor, in general, in OW. It’s too good against everything.

Exactly. Then, the next time I feel bad about a Tracer killing me by not even being in close proximity, or a Genji slicing through the team with nanoblade, or D.va blowing people up who made it past the corner, I will dismiss the “git gud” argument and know for sure that those heroes need to be fixed.

Let’s keep in mind here-

She is a SUPPORT. She is not an offensive character. Someone should not have to swap to deal with a support character. That makes no sense. You should have to swap to GET TO a support. You shouldn’t have to swap because of a support’s offensive capabilities. That’s so counter intuitive to balancing in a game that wants to have the “holy trinity”.

Like, I get what people are saying. She’s not so overpowered if she were a tank, or if she were a DPS. But, she’s not either of those. She’s a support character. Let’s keep this in perspective here.

You act as if you have to be the one to switch and not the rest of your team.

It’s like ONLY you have the press “H” to switch heroes.

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Brigitte needs her shield bash CD decreased to 1 second.

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Yeah, and there is too much armor. It’s like the devs forgot what armor was supposed to be for and just started to put it in whenever lore said they should.

The point of armor was to give tanks more health vs things like shotguns without also giving them more health vs things sniper rifles. Basically, to make it so Rein doesn’t instantly die vs Reaper without making McCree useless. But now Brig hands it out like candy, ruining shotgun heroes, and new heroes like Sym 3.0 have weapons that suffer the armor penalty without having the strengths that it’s supposed to offset.

They also don’t use armor when they should… Hammond should really have armor and far fewer hit points so precision heroes can do decent damage to him.

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Or maybe good players can take the shield out stop acting like she is uncounterable

First of all they have said they’re not reducing her shield health to keep her as tanky as possible.

HOW TO FIX BRIGITTE - from a Brigitte main also feel free to read this :woman_shrugging:

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reduce it to nothing, make it so she can fly across the map faster than a Tracer using the shield bash and give her 3k hp, and everyone standing near her is healed as much as transendence
plz blizz :sob:

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Torb should have done that.

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any stun should have 8s minimum