What to do with Brigitte

If only you had guns at range on a melee characters. That a puzzle . . .


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Whoa, it’s like every close range hero gets countered by long range dps. The difference is Brigitte has a shield and can run away. Her shield has 600 health and recharges really fast.

So does Rein… OMG the logic…

He also has a total of more HP with that shield.


He’s… he’s a tank… Brigitte is a healer…


Yes yes, always a “reason”.

Tell us where the Swedish lady touched you

She has been explicitely told to you that she is a tank support hybrid. They has to put he in one of those

Bri is Tank/Support Hybrid.

She’ll still be a tank, just less powerful!!!

Which are the point of these nerfs

melt her down for scrap /thread

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I thought she’s a support and not a tank according to you.

“tank support hybrid” is not balance

Thank god it’s not up to you or those like you

a tank countering, dive countering, hybrid support tank hero with CC for days and a low skill ceiling playstyle


If she is countering you as one of the main tanks you are doing many things wrong

So Paladins are OP??

I disagree with these changes. I do not think she needs to be easier to kill at range and made more useless.

The shield is already weak enough at long range due to any amount of cross fire will screw her over from even a slight amount of angle. Having a slower recharge rate and even faster breaker speed will just cripple her ability to stand out in the open as all she does as range is health packs and nothing else. No fire, no thought to use whip shot as it does 70 dmg, knockback, and long standing still animation to end up dead.

Really what would be most appropriate is a shift from how much her burst combo can do to people. Right now all she needs is x2 swings and any 200 hp hero is deleted and not much to stop it unless you kill her straight up in <1 second. She just needs a nerf to the burst combo.


she can initiate against any tank and win the fight, and can cancel any push by any tank trying to initiate

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Until they create more counters to Tracer or buff McCree’s flashbang consistency, she needs a low skill stun. Remember that Brig is a symptom, not a problem.

Give her a new ability.

“Salt Hammer”

She swings a mighty hammer like Reinhardt’s. It does 0 damage against you, unless you’ve complained about her on the forums, in which case it instantly kills you, drops you to -50 SR, and uninstalls the game.

There. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


Only if you don’t know your skills as a main tank. You deal with the long cooldown stun, and both Rien and Orisa can chew her up. And any main tank should have team behind them anyways

she solos rein every time