What to do with Brigitte

You literally just said that she couldn’t die, now you are saying she has a counter?

Troll harder.

Bri is fine, if you don’t know how to PLAY as a TEAM and TEAM SHOOT a player. Have more then one person focusing on one target at a time. Then it is a YOU problem. Not the game problem.
She has a tiny shield, that you can FLANK around. That you can CC her around.


Another issue!! Every hero should be killable in a 1v1 with every hero. You shouldn’t be forced to have your entire team dive onto a Brigitte to kill her.

Where did I say she couldn’t die? I’ve only pointed out how hard of a hero she is to kill.

Did you forget that quick play exists? A gamemode where people don’t communicate?

Did you forget Brigitte can move her shield in the direction she likes?

Maybe if you can come up with more reasonable explanations for why Brigitte should be left alone… nah, just say that I need to learn to play instead :slight_smile:

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can we turn it into a 1 second 65% slow instead of a knockback? so it’s still very dangerous to the mobile DPS people wanted her to be able to put a damper on?

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You literally did what i was saying lel…

Got a single chink in the armor of brigitte and act like she’s so vulnerable.

Stop exaggerating.

Say it with me everyone:



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Zarya VS D.va both should be able to kill each other?
A good genji VS a good Bastion. Both should be able to kill each other?
A mercy vs literally anything. Both should be able to 1v1 each other?

Did you forgot so can you?
She also can’t aim above her head, that well.

Maybe if you came up with a more reasonable explanation for why she needs to be nerf, besides I CAN’T KILL HER. AND DON"T WISH TO WORK WITH MY TEAM TO. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DO EVERYTHING MYSELF!!! RAWR!

Where did I say this? I have literally given a nice set of nerfs/buffs that wouldn’t even do much. It doesn’t affect her healing, it affects her tankiness and dps.

She can still move her shield in the same direction you are moving in…?

You sounded like a Tracer/Genji main. It’s easier to kill one target together with a team. It’s practical and time efficient. You should try it sometimes.

^ There you go. Enjoy your read.

Heroes are designed to be good at killing some heroes, and bad at fighting others.

You should check my career profile…? But just because this game is a team-based shooter, does not mean that someone shouldn’t be killable by single person.

Do you know how many heroes Brigitte counters? Every close range hero. Stop trying to make excuses for a HEALER that is melee range that does 35 damage every hit, can stun you every 7 seconds, and just combo you to death whenever she gets the chance.

Okay then I should be able to Solo a Pharmercy.
I don’t need my team, I am awesome and should be able to solo a Pharmercy and an ulting bastion.

Sure, I’ve done it before. You don’t always need an entire team to help you kill someone.

cept Bri apparently?

If Brig is more then meh, the issue was you and your team, not Brig

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Try 1v1ing a good Brigitte? It’s a lot harder then you think without your healers and other damage dealers.

1 v 1 a good widow.

1 v 1 a good genji.

1 v 1 a good anyone else.

There is a difference between a close range healer, then a good dps player…

But if they win, that means they outplayed you or are better.

No one has ever said “dang, I got destroyed by that brig, what a god”


OP is.

can we not let a support character’s charge be better than a tank’s charge?

or her mace go through shields?

or have her charge be an interrupt on anything but “channeled” abilities and not cancel rein’s shield?

not have the knockback be SUCH a knock back