Brigitte is countering all close range characters

Brigitte counters Tracer, genji, rein , roadhog,winston, reaper,sym , mei, doomfist if he cant 1shot her…

Before u response ‘she can be easily countered by range’, most heros above (expect genji and tracer) suffers from the same weakness. And with her personal shield, she is able to protect herself from hitscan.
While u can sometimes kill a reaper at close range. it is hopeless to fight Brigitte. She is even more powerful in brawl with aoe attack and heal.

She is chemotherapy. While she can counter dive comp,she destroyed many balanced and up hero too. She single handedly destroy most close combat hero.

Edited. Although I mentioned 1v1 in my post, I am not complaining abt Brigitte 1v1 ability. But her supremacy at close range combat. In both brawl and solo.

Edit 2. Teamwork is the most inconsistent thing in game. Remember that enemy brigitte hv a team too. Also,all heros are valuable to teamwork, then all heros are balanced because they cant 1vs 6.


tbh tracer is not too bad against brigitte.

she can get distance from her.

all slow heroes are just worse against brigitte. they cant just blink away.


Stop with the 1v1 argument. This is a team based game, when will people learn?


In my last game the Reinhardt landed a perfect Earthshatter with help from Brigitte. The enemy team didnt find it very funny, but the ground was cracking up.


Ugh. This game isn’t a 1v1 in a vacuum, it’s a team game where you can convince people to shoot Briggite’s shield, then burst her down.



Tracer actually does ok against Brigitte. Obviously it’s not really her job to 1v1 her, but the focus fire Tracer provides is real dangerous to a Brigitte that can’t afford to turn her shield around.

Reinhardt though? He basically has to walk through a stun. It’s a nightmare for him.

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How to kill Brigitte with reaper as a team?

So your team can’t beat one hero? Your team should be like all bronze vs an OWL player

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Maybe in a fresh 1v1.
However in game I have found Brigitte makes Tracer irrelevant.

Too much armour floating around on every hero to make her much use, plus too much CC for her to even do her job consistently.

Were gonna be seeing Soldier as the go to DPS again I reckon, and Junkrat is going to be even more rewarding than be already is for how little effort he takes to play.

U didnt answer my question. I am asking how

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By simply shooting her? The shield is only 600 hp and she doesn’t have almost any mobility…


how can a team easily destroy a winston bubble in about half a second? focus fire, focus on her shield, and since she can’t shield bash with a destroyed shield, its an easy 1v1.

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Her shield has as much hp as winston, 1/10 hit box.


It’s by design, and intentional. Close range diving has been the meta for over a year now. Brigitte and Moira were added to give the back line something they can switch onto to break that effectiveness up. Previously, there was no real answer except to mirror match it, and that isn’t an acceptable answer.

If you’re being countered, switch.


I’m literally a support main with little experience on DPS and I’ve had no trouble countering her as McCree, as Widow, as Sombra, and even as Zen in quickplay the last couple weeks. If I can do it, anyone can.

Brigitte may be difficult to take on in a 1v1, but this is a team game. Her shield only protects from one angle, take her on from two different angles and from at least 7m away and you’re golden.

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I know it is intentional, but it is too much. As least lower her shield hp. She could still do gr8 against flankers, but more valuable to close range powerhouse.

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if she is really causing as much problems as you are saying build a team around bastion and have him melt her shield in half a millisecond, but she is not that hard to deal with, and while she is meant to counter tracer, tracer can easily stay out of her effective range and easily 2 clip her.

I’ve never really had a problem with her as Mei. As Mei you have more range than her ironically and have tools to outplay her ex. Using Icewall as a vertical advantage, using her slow to kite rather than freeze, target Brigitte during ult due to her being less mobile than most heroes, etc.

Yeah and again this is all in 1v1. OW is a team based game where you should play with the team.


Why? It isn’t her shield hp that’s making life miserable for close range like Reaper/Hog/, it’s the whipshot telling them “Bye Felicia”, combined with armor that mitigates a ton of their damage.

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