What’s Your Dream PTR Balance Patch?

Mercy would become OP and even more boring, god no.

Depends on how it was implemented. Maybe, maybe not. Wouldn’t really get anything if you just GAd no real distance and that max would only apply to max distance GA. Could also be lowered, but it would be interesting anyway.

Thing is I play pharah a lot too, she just isnt a passion for me like mercy is, I play her when I feel like playing her or when shes the best option against the enemy team, which I feel most of your mercy experience comes from

Agreed it is fine, I’m providing my side of the coin being that this change bothers me extremely

When did I complain about you being hostile? Im fine with hostility, like it even, it adds a bit of fire to any conversation imo but I understand not everyone does, so next time we meet pez if you feel Im being too hostile say so the second you feel I am and I’ll tone it down as best I can and I’ll try to start conversations with you specifically, less hostile

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Will do. That being said, I’d like to apologize. I’m in a spectacularly bad mood this week as I was affected by the tornadoes in Ohio and just stressed the hell out. Even minor hostilities that wouldn’t normally get under my skin are atm and didn’t realize it until just now.


Last patch undone
Speed boost’s effect on teammate get’s reduced to 20% (from 30%)

Repair pack removed
Inspire removed
Rally removed
Shield Bash removed
Shield health buffed to 800 (was 500)
health is now 150 health 150 armor
Whip shot does 100 damage
New ult that increases her damage, speed, and health by 25%, all health becomes armor.
New role: Tank

No longer screams when he presses E


Hack duration shortened by 1 second
Now has audio queues for when she hacks someone “Roadhog is hacked” for her teammates only

Storm arrows has 2 fewer arrows, and does 75 damage per arrow (was 70)

Passive energy loss is increased by 20%
Alternate fire takes up 20 ammo (was 25)

BOB no longer contests point and lasts 10 seconds total (instead of 10 seconds after collision)
Hip fire does 50 damage, but has .3 seconds per shot (was 40 damage and .25 per shot)

Bombs do 120 damage (was 130)
Riptyre has 50 health 50 armor (was 100 health)

After target is frozen they can’t be refrozen or slowed for 2 seconds afterwards.
Ult is now a shootable target with 200 health
Damage of primary fire increased to 65 DPS

Slow taken off of turrets
Teleporter is now permanent and unkillable (I’m a madman)

Reconfigure is now a flat .5 seconds across the board (including ult)
Ult now lasts 1 fewer seconds.

Armor has been replaced with sheilds except for torbjorns ability.

Orisas shield cooldown has been increased by 1 second

Genjis wallclimb has been adjusted so that it works everytime - to many times a genji has been punished because his wallclimb ability does not work correctly

Players can now build ult charge from damaging turrets - if symetra and torbjorn can build ult charge from their turrets then ult charge should be able to be built by damaging the turrets as well.

Tracers pulse bomb damage has been increased by 200 damage and damage radius decreased by 1 meter - we have realized that tracers pulse bomb is extremely difficult to land on all the small hitbox characters along with having the smallest aoe damage in game, so we have decided to make it what it is supposed to be a tank buster.

Doomfist is now unable to ledge boost from his rocket punch any attempt will stop him as if their is a wall in the way. Furthermore pressing spacebar at the end of rocket punch will no longer allow extra movement.

Sombra’s hack and emp do not remove genjis, hanzos wallclimb, along with baptiste jump, lucios wallride.
The time for enemies hacked has been decreased by 1 second
Hacked enemies will now have a 15% damage taken increase for the time they are hacked, futhermore emp’d enemies recieve a 20% damage taken increase during the time they are emp’d.
Hp has been decreased from 200 to 150

Junkrat mine is reverted back to only having 1 mine, the secondary mine along with it being able to be stacked to 3 has allowed junkrat to flank very easily in which he was designed to be an antiflanker.

Zaryas charge rate has been reverted by 10% so instead gaining 40% charge from taking a firestrike while bubbled she will gain 44% charge.

Lucios boop distance has been increased by 5 meters.

Moiras healing orb and damage orb disapear now after touching a wall twice, and no longer travel through shields.

Meis m1 damage no longer effects multiple enemies, and her wall up time has been decreased by 2 seconds.

Anas sleep dart damage has been increased from 5 damage to 50 damage, either that or it has been turned into hitscan instantly putting the target asleep instead of timing the projectile speed to the enemies movement.

Ashes coach gun movement has been increased by 5%

Winstons health restart for ultimate can now be negated by anas chem bomb.

Both doomfists and reapers hp has been decreased to 200.

Symettras hitbox and model size have been increased by 10%

All characters ult charge rate has been increased by 5%

We have made 1 more opening to hanamura, paris and lunar colony point a to get past main choke point, and 1 more opening to point b for volskaya and temple of anubis to get past main choke point.

Man, I knew I should have asked if you were okay. You usually have very thick skin. I’m sorry to hear that. I been there before, though not specifically because of tornados. I hope that everything works out.

Stay tough and God Bless.

  1. Hanzo’s lunge extended from 5 to 8.
  2. Bastion gains new passive: When transforming from sentry mode to any other mode (recon or tank) gain a brief burst of speed.
  3. Sym: allow her to select turrets to destroy.
  4. Orisa: ultimate changed to a AoE anti cc.
  5. Mccree: able to cancel ult for 50% ult refund.

I’ll survive. Others around had it worse. My dad’s neighborhood was leveled and the one that formed on top of us just took out roof but leveled a whole neighborhood a mile down. Worst I have is waiting for the power to come back and a week’s worth of cleaning to get all of the debris, insulation, and smell of tornado grossness out of my apt. Gonna bribe a few friends with food to help clean lol

Thank you though, means a lot.


I see, I hope you end up alright through all that, I dont want to lose anyone on the forums not even SpunkyPotato, we’re a big disfunctional family here after all, know you have the love and support of the forums!

Maybe this will cheer you up a bit


Doomfist removed from the game entirely because.

A buff to Brigitte’s shield bash.
Make it activate passive as well buffing it’s damage to 25.

Oh jeebus lol

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Sombras gonna have a field day against non roadhog tanks thats for sure and Reaper is gonna have a field day against all tanks even more than now

Imma give it the good ol blizzard from season 3 to 4 patch meh oh well. Pretty sure thats the right one when the game started to get bleh.

Reaper: New alt fire: Nightfall Grenades

Soldier 76: Helix Rocket cooldown reduced by 2 seconds.

Moira: Fade cooldown increased to 8 seconds, increased duration by 50%

Healing orb now applies +75 maximum hp to up to two targets for 6 seconds. Special hp types can fill this overheal during the duration i.e.: a Reaper can potentially have 175 Rally armor or briefly have +150 hp overheal from Repair Pack.


Have it work like Medic from Tf2: tied to primary, “healing” a topped off target slowly builds up an overheal, fades away when Moira stops spraying m1. Anti heal doesn’t remove overheal but prevents reapplication and healing as normal.

What I said here: A little expiriment

plus buffing Ashe’s scoped crit damage.


Fade now 5 seconds from 6 seconds. Distance is now 18 meters from 15 and duration is 1 second from 0.8.

Coalescence now has 150 healing 75 damage and 55 self-healing. Allies hit by it will get 35 self-healing on them for the next 30 seconds after the duration ends. Enemies hit by it will receive 15% healing reduction decrease. Can now be cancelled with Fade or pressing the ultimate button again.

Biotic Orb can now heal allies much faster. Meaning 300 healing orb will heal 100 in 3 seconds and not the current 75 in 4 seconds. Both orbs are now 8 seconds in cooldown but the orb duration itself will still be 10 seconds. If an orb is still out in the 2 seconds, it will be removed regardless of how much Health or Damage it still has , or until depleted as normal.

Biotic Grasp Damage will now self-heal Moira for 35 healing per second and now does 55 damage.

Biotic Grasp Healing now has a maxed range of 20 meters to heal players further away from you or those who are diving. Will now heal 90 per second opposed to the current 80 per second. Now heals through enemy barriers again. Now has a new effect to cancel damage over time effects. This means that Moira spraying allies or tapping them for the lingering healing will cancel Ashe’s Fire damage, Widowmaker’s mine damage, or even Ana’s Biotic Rifle damage over time (it won’t stop the first 35 damage but the second 35 damage would be cancel), and etc.

I’m a High Master Moira main. Hoping the Developers give her some love because people are toxic towards her in Grandmasters.

How would armor help pharah; when widow snipes for 300hp.

all armor would do is make it do 295 … 297

297> 200 hp w/armor

Ok but you do realize that Widow isn’t the only thing that can kill her right? There are other hitscan which wouldn’t be able to kill her as easily.