What’s Your Dream PTR Balance Patch?

She’s exactly the same on every version. PSN players have a worse controller and a reputation for enjoying RPGs moreso than XBOX players. I wonder if that helps explain it.

Cool, so let me fix the patch notes just for you since no one else seems to care that much

I don’t actually care about mercy that much, you’re just being nitpicky to be nitpicky.

So it creates the same effect but now Pharah is completely short of a healer that can heal her, I dont play much pharah but I know one huge complaint is about how few healers can do that for her

Well to be fair a lot of the more advanced Mercy tech comes with keeping her in the air longer. Things like super jumping when out of sight of a sniper. I do think the idea is interesting though.

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Thats been made very clear already

You suggested a change, I provided my counter points as to why it would be extremely bad for the character

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Pharah would be fine if she had regening shields. I have plenty of time on Pharah and would gladly give up the pocket healer holding her back to get some survivability buffs and would press Ctrl when I needed healing.

And that still doesn’t matter. This is literally a head canon patch notes thread, who gives a
Crap if it’s realistic?

There are other stupid ones in this thread, mines only getting pulled apart bc I mentioned mercy. :roll_eyes:

now you can shoot through the walls, damage reduced by 25-95% based on weapon strenght and wall wideness.
Cree 50% reduction
Widow,ashe 25% (scope)
s76 75%
tracer,sombra etc 3-6 damage pellets - 95%
hanzo cant pierce walls because of arrows same for all projectiles.

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Now has a cynical personality, bags under her eyes and smokes.


Blizzard, hire this person, they’re onto something good.

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Yeah and one of your counters dva completely nullifies that, it would be a severe drain on pharahs combat uptime to be looking for healthpacks

In my opinion its the fact shes an airborne target thats holding her back as an airborne target is naturally a hard one to kill in lower ranks, but I also wouldnt mind not having to worry about Pharahs demanding I pocket them, but not at the cost of ruining the character I play

Cant you already achieve the same effect but slower without the new ability? Im not saying I wouldnt mind it Ive always supported having it, but again isnt another big problem for many pharah mains is not wanting to have to get on the ground to get healing, maybe your not like the others, maybe you dont mind but still

If your gonna suggest a change expect people to argue about it, if you dont want them to, than dont suggest the change Pez

Nano Boost:
*Healing reduced to 200.
*Damage Reduction now applies to Ana, too.

(Explanation: Nano is too strong but I think it could be toned down a little bit + help Ana be a bit more durable.)

New Passive - Crackshot: if Ashe kills an enemy with a head-shot, she’s refunded the ammo.

(Explanation: Ashe sometimes has an ammo problem and she’s not really seen much at higher ranks too often. This will fix it and reward the Ashe player for having good aim.)

Biotic Launcher:
*25% of the healing applies to Baptiste.

(Explanation: Baptiste could use a bit more survivability.)

Repair Pack:
*Cooldown reduced by 2 seconds (4 seconds total)
*Heal now scales based on target’s health (50 to 250) Lower HP allies will receive more healing. The target will always receive 50 armor at the end.

Shield Bash:
*Damage increased by 20 (25 damage total).

*Armor to allies is reduced by 50%.
*Armor lasts 10 seconds less (20 seconds total).
*Affects allies at lower health 15% more.

(Explanation: I think Shield Bash was nerfed too hard and I think Brigitte should be more focused on healing and saving allies from death. I think the armor component of Rally is too strong but Brigitte could be more effective on saving lower health allies.)

New Passive - Ice Skater: Mei’s speed is increased by 15% on frozen ground.

*now also restores 50 ammo per second.

*now also reloads your weapon.

(Explanation: Mei is mostly fine but these are some minor tweaks to make her more competitive.)

Caduceus Staff:
*Damage Boost has been removed. New secondary is a channeled beam that deals 25 damage per second and reduces their damage caused by 30%.
*Healing increased to 55 HPS.

Caduceus Blaster:
*can now also heal allies.

Is now the “E” ability. On a 30 second cooldown.

Is now the Ultimate ability. Can now also be triggered if Mercy is dead, allowing her to revive herself. If Mercy uses it to revive herself, Valkyrie is automatically triggered and does not trigger a cooldown.

(Explanation: IMO, Mercy needs a complete retool. And I think the above would help. 60 HPS might be too much so 55 is a middle ground. Allowing her to also heal with her blaster will enable her to be more offensive while not letting her allies die so easily. I think the damage boost is a stupid mechanic on Mercy so I gave her staff a damage component so she could either use strong heal + slow damage or swap to her gun and do strong damage + weaker heals. I think Rez should be an ultimate that lets her rez herself because “heroes never die!” plus Valk would be a nice E ability.)

Biotic Grasp:
*Self-heal increased to 35 (was 30).

Biotic Orb:
*Damage Orb now restores Biotic Energy when dealing damage.

*Cooldown reduced by 1 second (5 seconds).

*Damage increased by 5 (75 total) and healing increased by 10 (150 total).

(Explanation: Moira isn’t really utilized at higher ranks and as such some buffs across the table could be warranted. Increasing the damage of Biotic Grasp was not a good idea so I increased her self heal a bit + reduced the cooldown of Fade so she’d have more survivability. And the Biotic Orb now giving her energy and the increased Colaescence power should make her more threatening.)

Wrecking Ball:
Quad Cannons:
*Reload time isn’t interrupted when you enter ball form.

*Restores 5 ammo per second while in this mode.

Adaptive Shield:
*Can use while stunned or frozen.

(Explanation: Hammond is in a pretty good place but I feel like these tweaks will make him a bit better. As it stands the reload problem is really annoying and he relies a lot on his cannons to take out certain targets, but since they’re so small and he’s so big - he tends to go through ammo. These changes should help.)

Widow’s Kiss:
*Damage needs to be looked at. I’m not an expert here, but I feel like she does too much damage for how mobile she is as a sniper character.

Venom Mine:
*Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds.
*Damage increased by 25 (100 total).

(Explanation: I said a lot in the section under Widow’s Kiss. I think Venom Mine should be on par with other “grenade” type of abilities. It’s a bit weak currently. I also don’t like her ult and would prefer something more flavorful, but I’ve done enough today, lol.)


I didnt even see this but yes and no, yes its because you mentioned a character I played and no its not just because of that I havent argued about any of the other changes because Ive only read yours

Basically this thread

I didn’t say don’t argue, I just don’t like you. There’s a difference. You started with hostility, not a debate or counter argument, so I just don’t really care what you have to say. Should take notes from Venus. I don’t agree with them the majority of the time but they aren’t hostile, so actual conversations are possible.

That much is obvious with your immediately hostile response.

Which is understandable, I tend to like you in most threads I see you in, this is not one of them personally

I started saying I would quit the game if it happened, voicing my opinion on it, could it have been less extreme? Yes, but I gave my honest opinion on how that change would affect the game for me

You’re right I started that in the second reply after voicing my opinion on it

Yet here you are replying so apparently you do care enough to do that

Venus came in with supporting evidence on an already ongoing argument theres a difference, but agreed I could be more respectful, but seeing as you dont care about what I have to say I dont care for being respectful to you in this thread

Believe it or not actual conversations are possible with me, but I’m rather strong with my words so you’d have to bear with that

I dont understand how you see that response as so hostile but it certainly has you upset to only be bringing it up this late in the discussion almost like its been dwelling on you, but yes we can infer many things from what people post even without them directly saying who they main, I could tell you played a lot of Pharah from your first post just like you could tell I play a lot of Mercy from mine

Difference appears to be I’ve played both. I’ve played a lot of mercy too, I’m just not as bothered by her change as you obviously were, which is fine. Maybe start a little less extreme if you don’t want people to not be hostile back. Just saying.

Fair enough. I was mostly discussing it because it was already being discussed though, personally.

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It was definitely a conversation that didn’t start on a good foot, that’s for sure

2-2-2 Comps implemented.

Roles are randomly assigned at the start of the match; you keep the assigned role until you successful finish a match.

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