A little expiriment

Reply to this thread with your dream patch notes, and we can see how good all of you are at balancing (and how much better than the devs).

Patch notes: You can now reset the basketball on the table.


there would be that one person constantly resetting it

Not if it had a timer.

Primary Fire:

  • Direct hits do 130 damage and 0.3 size
  • 1st bounce does 110 damage and 0.25 size
  • 2nd bounce does 90 damage and 0.2 size

Concussion Mine:

  • Minimum damage on mine increased to 60 in the air
  • Mines planted on the ground will always do 120 damage (no falloff damage)

These changes would add more skill ceiling to his kit, rewarding direct hits from his primary fire and concussion mines planted on the ground. It would also nerf his more easier plays, such as his spam or aerial CC mines. Higher skill rats would get more value out of his kit, and the ones who use him for spam would be punished more.


Competitive is now two modes:
Soloq and teamq

There are separate leaderboards for each.

Players may now join Teams.
Teams are a new fwature which can have up to 15 members, and will be ranked based on the average of their players’ teamq SRs.

Teamq will see the return of off-season, lasting 72 hours at the start of the season.

During off season, Teams will be allowed to add or remove players.

Teamq SR’s will be reset at the start of every 3 seasons.

At the end of every third season, the top 8 eliginle and willing teams will be invited to participate in a player showcase tournament alongside OWL’s Allstars event (current contenders, owl members, and blizzard staff will not be eligible).

Map Selection Screen Introduction!
At the start of each match, players will be presented with a choice of 3 randomly selected maps to pick from.
Players may pick a lot for the map they would like to play.
Once 12 votes have been submitted or 5 second timer has expired, a random player lot will be drawn.

Balance changes:
Given the circumstances of the new Teams feature, as well as map selection tool, we will refrain from making changes until the end of the first season.
We will no longer make balance or ability changes (with exception of bug fixes) mid-season; this includes new hero introductions which would impact the competitive aspect of the game’s current balance.
Future balance changes:
Nerfs will be made based on the top tiers of both soloq and teamq competitive modes to ensure metas are less likely to repeat.
Buffs will be made based on the performance of midranked players, ensuring that lower pick rate heroes are made viable, even in less coordinated environs.

I could write a lot but i keep it simple for the moment now and just deal with tracer:

Base HP up to 200

Blink uses no resources anymore but 2 secs cd

Ultcharge gain reduced by 25 %

Pulsebomb dmg up to 400, slightly increased radius and straight thrown like a discus with about 10 m range to make it easier to actualy stick it

A more Fair to fight Tracer that still is potent in 1 on 1 with a Good Ult and doesnt die to rnd Headshots except by snipers.

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Halt improved a bit, some love for orisa please

Dva, Mercy, Hanzo, Torbjorn, Sombra and Symmetra have the option to play their pre rework kits if you hold L+R+Select while choosing them


Not gonna lie I’d be happy with those mine changes.


  • Server
    • 128 tickrate
    • Reduced Latency

There you go.

I miss the pre-rework versions of these heroes :disappointed_relieved:

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  • Dynamite with no lit fuse can be attached to a nearby surface by holding the ability button/key and pressing Interact while near and facing the surface. This dynamite will only explode if Ashe or an enemy damages it. Only one Dynamite of any type can be deployed at one time. Can be disabled by Hack/EMP in which case it can be destroyed without an explosion. Targeted by turrets.


  • Third Crossfade mode, Null/Mute. Lucio emits Active Noise Control waves that passively silences basic sound cues of the player and all allies within range(footsteps, jumping, receiving damage, etc.). This Crossfade mode is selectable by holding the ability button/key and pressing Interact. Pressing the ability button/key while in this mode puts you in the mode most recently used.
  • Amped Null/Mute silences your team’s attacks and abilities, one Ultimate callout, enemy death screams and enemy assistance callouts(“Behind you!”, “Sniper! Get down!”)

This is intended to give Lucio the ability to enhance stealth for flanking purposes.


  • New Sentry ability, Ganymede Orbit. Ganymede flies in a circle close to Bastion with a diameter a little smaller than Rein barrier. If an enemy is within that circle, Ganymede will hover above them for a short time(1-2 seconds). During that time, Bastion player’s screen will be centered just below Ganymede. Outside of the short timer, this state can be broken with evasion abilities or by leaving Ganymede’s range. Bastion can cancel this ability by pressing the button/key again. If the targeted enemy is killed before the duration ends, it ends right there and goes on cooldown. Very long cooldown.

This change is intended to make Bastion less disadvantaged in very close range 1v1s.


  • Shield Bash travel distance increased by 75% but the range and duration of the ability that does damage/stuns remains unchanged. For the extra travel distance, Brigitte can quickly pivot up to 135 degrees with Barrier still up.

This change is intended to increase Brig’s effectiveness as an off-tank by being able to make a quick save for an ally without buffing her DPS and healing effectiveness.


  • Grenade bounce unnerfed


  • Rocket blast radius unnerfed


Barrage does 40% less overall damage but is now cancellable and you can move in a horizontal plane while firing it at half your regular speed