What’s Your Dream PTR Balance Patch?

Here’s mine.


Hp is now 150 and 50 armor(200hp)

Recoil damaged reduced by 25%.



*Deployment Time reduced from 2 to 1.6 seconds.

*Cast Time reduced from 1 to .8 seconds.

Sentry Turrets:

*Cooldown reduced from 10 to 9 seconds.


Primary Fire:

*Projectile size increased from .2 to .3 meters.


Repair Pack:

*Projectile speed increased from 30 to 45 meters per second.

Shield Barrier:

*Now has 600hp instead of 500.

Instead of detailed patch notes, I’ll say this.


  • 50-100 health converted into shields
  • No or significantly reduced damage from her rockets, including barrage
  • Can now press Crouch in air to drop from the air quickly


  • Can no longer heal or damage boost while not touching the ground
  • GA gains new passive - burst healing based on distance flown with a cap of 100 hp

Pharah gets a buff, mercy gets a burst heal, Pharmercy dies.

feels like changes aimed at the console version they are only really a problem there.

Even on console Pharmacy is a joke No one ever runs Pharah above 3000sr.


They are enough of a problem on PC they refuse to give any buffs to Pharah despite all of her counters and all hitscans getting buffed?

I’m too lazy to type up an entire patch notes myself, but here’s a few comments on yours!

That’s an odd buff for Pharah. Is she really taking off from the ground with people that close to her that often? She’s usually dead at that point.

While I don’t have a direct objection to this buff, I wonder how they’d handle the animation. Her moving up and down with how it currently functions would look really weird I would imagine.

While all of these are obviously direct buffs, I don’t think it does anything for her main problem – survivability. A faster teleporter helps a tad, but it still doesn’t change the fact that she can’t use her primary fire without extreme risk.

The projectile speed on repair pack is cool in my book. Shield Barrier is fine how it is though I think.

I’d rather see a revert on the cool down nerf on Shield Bash now that it’s damage has been gutted AND it can’t go through shields anymore.

I think this would make her more interactive in the heat of a battle then flailing around her… flail… 90% of the time.

Having a tp that deploys quicker definitely improves her survivability. She’s my most played hero and I honestly think her Primary Fire is fine. It’s just her abilities that could use a buff. That or they could just give her 250hp.

Junkrat projectile size back to 0.3


Here are a few, just some things that I’ve been thinking of.


  • Take a breather now decreases the amount of ult charge an enemy gets by 10% during use.
  • Can now cancel ult by pressing Q, will not receive any ult charge.

Mogar’s notes: This is hopefully to slightly reduce Roadhog’s ult battery status, while still providing ult charge to those who damage him. A minor change that will hopefully go a long way.


  • 50 Health has now been converted into shields
  • Blast Radius of Rocket Launcher increased by .5 meters (Now 3m instead of 2.5)
  • Splash damage is now 15-55, impact remains at 55, making a direct hit 110 damage (10 less damage then before)
  • Can now cancel her ult by pressing Q again, will not receive any ult charge.

Mogar’s notes: Hopefully this will give Pharah a little extra survivability in the air, while also providing a slight boost against clumped up targets and getting around shields. A slight nerf in her DPS that can be adjusted to suit the extra range she now receives.


  • Teleporter now deploys at her feet

Mogar’s notes: Consistency

These are all I can think of really. I don’t have any real problems with the rest of the roster, aside from maybe decreasing some of the crit boxes of tanks a very small amount.

Edit: Math, I messed up Pharah’s total damage

I will quit overwatch if this happens, never let this happen


That’s fine. It’s not like dream path notes will ever exist anyway so who cares. I want Pharmercy dead so Pharah gets buffs :woman_shrugging: Pharah doesn’t need dmg boosts and it doesn’t effect Valk

Kill Mercy so pharah can get buffs, there are better ways to go about it Pez

This change is currently on ptr. They increased the interaction radius by 50%

You feel it kills her, I feel a solid burst in exchange is adequate. The only others it would actively effect might be DVa and maybe Winston. It hurting 3 out of 30 heroes doesn’t really bother me. If that’s how you choose to see it though, that’s fine. In that case I don’t care to kill mercy and I won’t change my mind. Mercy shouldnt be constantly in the air anyway.

Pharah is the 7th most picked hero on PSN GM atm. So it’s specifically a Playstation problem.

Oh whoops shows how much I pay attention to PTR. Thanks for letting me know!

Using guardian angel disconnects the beams, regular jumping disconnects the beams, being booped disconnects the beams, using bunny hop or super jump extends the length of time the beams are disconnected, guardian angel travel times vary meaning it could be very much worth it in some cases and very much not in others, floating down from valk cancels the beams, coming from a high ground to a low ground disconnects the beams, using angelic descent is now much more strongly not advised as it increases the length of times the beams are disconnected

What does Mercy do 90% of the time, jump and guardian angel around with her beams attached to avoid damage and support allies, because off the ground describes a lot of things mercy does not just following a pharah winston or dva

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Which makes no sense because she’s exactly the same on Xbox and she’s the 5th least played at gm on there. :joy:

If that is how you play Mercy than fine, but I’ve never seen a mercy that is constantly airborne. But sure, choose to be that nitpicky when it is quite obvious I meant while GAing to someone or angelic desventing to the ground. :roll_eyes: At this point I’d implement it just for you since you’re a few beads short of a rosary.

Neither have I but your describing airborne as much higher in the air than the beam disconnect requirement you suggest is

While you may see it that way, the game doesnt care and will not disquingish it with the implementation you suggest, additionally you fail to account for the flow of Mercy’s kit, this is a change that goes against its flow, Rez already does this turning the high mobility mercy into a turtle, your change would create a similar effect but much more taxing

That’s good for you, I’m just pointing out how your change is poorly thought out and would ruin how she plays.