What’s Your Dream PTR Balance Patch?

A buff to Brigitte’s shield bash.
Make it activate passive as well buffing it’s damage to 25.

Oh jeebus lol

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Sombras gonna have a field day against non roadhog tanks thats for sure and Reaper is gonna have a field day against all tanks even more than now

Imma give it the good ol blizzard from season 3 to 4 patch meh oh well. Pretty sure thats the right one when the game started to get bleh.

Reaper: New alt fire: Nightfall Grenades

Soldier 76: Helix Rocket cooldown reduced by 2 seconds.

Moira: Fade cooldown increased to 8 seconds, increased duration by 50%

Healing orb now applies +75 maximum hp to up to two targets for 6 seconds. Special hp types can fill this overheal during the duration i.e.: a Reaper can potentially have 175 Rally armor or briefly have +150 hp overheal from Repair Pack.


Have it work like Medic from Tf2: tied to primary, “healing” a topped off target slowly builds up an overheal, fades away when Moira stops spraying m1. Anti heal doesn’t remove overheal but prevents reapplication and healing as normal.

What I said here: A little expiriment

plus buffing Ashe’s scoped crit damage.


Fade now 5 seconds from 6 seconds. Distance is now 18 meters from 15 and duration is 1 second from 0.8.

Coalescence now has 150 healing 75 damage and 55 self-healing. Allies hit by it will get 35 self-healing on them for the next 30 seconds after the duration ends. Enemies hit by it will receive 15% healing reduction decrease. Can now be cancelled with Fade or pressing the ultimate button again.

Biotic Orb can now heal allies much faster. Meaning 300 healing orb will heal 100 in 3 seconds and not the current 75 in 4 seconds. Both orbs are now 8 seconds in cooldown but the orb duration itself will still be 10 seconds. If an orb is still out in the 2 seconds, it will be removed regardless of how much Health or Damage it still has , or until depleted as normal.

Biotic Grasp Damage will now self-heal Moira for 35 healing per second and now does 55 damage.

Biotic Grasp Healing now has a maxed range of 20 meters to heal players further away from you or those who are diving. Will now heal 90 per second opposed to the current 80 per second. Now heals through enemy barriers again. Now has a new effect to cancel damage over time effects. This means that Moira spraying allies or tapping them for the lingering healing will cancel Ashe’s Fire damage, Widowmaker’s mine damage, or even Ana’s Biotic Rifle damage over time (it won’t stop the first 35 damage but the second 35 damage would be cancel), and etc.

I’m a High Master Moira main. Hoping the Developers give her some love because people are toxic towards her in Grandmasters.

How would armor help pharah; when widow snipes for 300hp.

all armor would do is make it do 295 … 297

297> 200 hp w/armor

Ok but you do realize that Widow isn’t the only thing that can kill her right? There are other hitscan which wouldn’t be able to kill her as easily.

Storm Arrow: Unable to headshot

HP: Reduced to 175/150

Revert Projectile Nerf

I’m too bored to go into details and fair changes so here’s a simple version.


reverted to 2.0

Healing output increased to 55 from 50



Reading some of these makes me glad that blizzard doesn’t listen to the community all the time on balance changes.

Let us Hope that the #BuffMoiraMovement happens.

I like how your dream patch notes is about killing mercy in one fell swoop.

You realise that mercy key gameplay mechanic is flying with guardian angel and not touching the ground right? And that best kind of juking mercy can do is NOT touch the ground at all while still keeping the team topped.

I suggest you re-think actual character game mechanics first and realise what that 1,5 second guardian angel cooldown is for.

Then you have never obviously seen a good mercy on say, Anubis point B. It becomes a game of how long they can juke the enemy while not touching the ground and the point where all grounded dangers like tracers lurk.

Case in point, top 500 mercy main doing acrobatics on anubis and barely touching the ground.

I don’t know how I could be any nicer when I say this, so I ll just say it. I couldn’t care any less. This is literally a fake path notes thread. I want Pharah buffs so mercy dies, and that’s fine. I don’t care. You know who else I should add to the delete list? Sombra, Doom, Brigg, Mei, and it still doesn’t matter, dude.

*matchmaking no longer puts you back in the match you left
*matchmaking will take mmr into account and try to balance teams based on closest mmr of one another and match to an opposing team accordingly
*avoid this player now affects enemy, has no limit, resets every two weeks
*arcade now has a second page for 2 permament gamemodes (mystery heroes and unlimited) and will cycle the best 3 custom workshop gamemodes weekly

Yeah Moira doesn’t have very much survivability compared to most other supports. Not sure how they’d go about buffing her.

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Competitive now has Role Queue for a 2-2-2 setup.

Competitive now has Hero Bans that allow each team to ban two heroes each.

Moira LMB now goes through shields.

Widowmaker HP reduced to 150.
Widowmaker RMB charge speed reduced by 20%.

Hanzo projectile speed reduced by 10m/s.

as much as i love junkrats VO artist ,

Added to PTR Junkrat gets an Australian accent, after VO artist was sent to darwin for five week holiday.


  • all GA bugs fixed
  • casting Valkyrie does not interrupt primary or secondary fire
  • “onwards to victory!” is the new ult voiceline for winged victory skin
  • “I will watch over you!” is the new ult voiceline for combat medic ziegler
  • GA perfer beam target is toggeable on “R”


  • Repairpack now burstheals 75hp at a time.
  • Repairpack charges 2
  • CD for 1 charge is 3s (so 6s for 150hp heals)
  • inspire is now a passive which heals constantly 5hps but is amplified to 10hps while Brig is dealing damage
  • Rally grants a max of 150 armor again, which decays after 30s


  • needs to charge the shot up 100% to deal 250hp damage.
  • Grapple hook CD increased to 12s, all grapple bugs are fixed


  • storm arrows cannot headshot anymore
  • max dmg on headshot is 190


  • cryofreeze can now be destroyed
  • cryofreeze reloads her weapon gradually over time


  • Nanoboost now does not heal anymore (100hp burst heal can be tried too)
