What’s a question you’ve always wanted a dev to answer?

I wanted this question to be answered: What are all of the heroes’ favorite foods and beverages?


Why is Tracer allowed to solo a tank hero and win?


Why did you rework Mercy instead of making small tweaks first? Why choose the nuclear option before attempting to negotiate?

Hi, yes, Mercy main here.


I wanna know of they’re willing to host some sort of original hero competition where fans submit their original hero concepts and the winner gets their hero made and they win a trip to the studio and a look at the backstage of everything and the design process

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what is roadhog’s nationality?, i still think he is an australian with a kiwi background

I believe they confirmed he’s from New Zealand but I’m not sure

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Why is Blizzard afraid to buff Ana when they buffed Reaper and Mei to counteract any possible tank meta?

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Why is there Group Priority Matchmaking? (Click for my thread on this.) Basically why does Competitive not encourage team play by grouping up because it has a priority to pair groups to play each other. Aside from the constant changes of hero balance, its the only thing left I don’t have a proper answer for when it comes to the philosophy of how they make and run Overwatch.

i remember an interview here they were asked directly if he is a kiwi they refused to answer that was back around the time junkertown was announced/first shown

i know the overwatch twitter account said his nationality is australian

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Why do updates take so long for a AAA game company that makes billions of dollars per year and can sufficiently staff more developers?

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they’ve talked about working on a clan system before, and i would like to know if they have just given up on it, or if they’re still working on it.

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Huh. I wonder why they wanna surround so much mystery on his nationality…

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Indeed. The growing Guild/Clan thread shows this is something the community wants.


Why did it take over 6 months to realize that Ana needed a buff?
Edit: Also I would like to know what jeff’s favorite flavor of ice cream is…


probably the same reason it took them 2 years to realize hanzo’s scatter arrow is broken and he is an inconsistent hero as a whole.

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answer: chocolate salted with the tears of mercy mains

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I’d love to know how much of Genji is still organic. Like, in his Blackwatch skin he has his entire left arm and most of his chest and shoulder are visible but then his default skin has both arms symmetrical. Are they both now cybernetic or is the left one just inside the armour?

Hmmst, very interesting…

Why did you feel the need to nerf Symmetra 8 times (one of them even happening during the rework, and one after it), and not revert any of them, even tho she has gone from viable* to trash tier and sat there since time immemorial because of it?

*source: h ttp://www.planetoverwatch.org/11-overwatch-hero-meta-report-the-grand-beta-review/

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Explain your thoughts on Tracer’s balance.

Just like with the “Don’t shoot him” debacle people disliked hearing the answer but they had to accept it and I rarely see people complaining about the deflect hitbox size like I used to in the past. Give people the hard truth.